
www.beats4monster.co.uk we see six gun gu

Lu Honglai sailed home ,more than 50 kilometers ,half an hour arrived .Down the road ,and went about less than two km .,a village appear in front of everyone .Near the village has a green-brick structure large courtyard ,see the appearance ,and film and television drama in the past the landlord house as like as two peas .
Scarlet on either side of the door ,while still squatting a stone lion .relationresultAplain-clothes very able man sees a team ,and came running .Dai Zhongli recognized the man is perambulatory group in the field of Liu Mingxin .
Then he began to believe he Guoxing ,there are three field in ,what is not found !relationresultBeforesix speech ,Mu Guoxing said: Comrade Liu Mingxin ,circumstance how ? , relationresultMuslim leader ,Dai ,this morning a man carrying a large box to have ,we give blocking back .
Initially he was arrogant, when we see six gun guard soldier ,will shrink back .Up to now the door closed, no one dares to go out ! , relationresultMu Guoxing nodded,and said : that this courtyard door ? , relationresultTeam leader ,you can rest assured !The back door is Sui Qiaoming and Comrade He Jijian personally led the two guard soldiers guarded ,the yard ,he is even a bird can fly out .
, relationresultSixhad finished ,Mu Guoxing smiled at .White teeth under the irradiation of sunlight to P6 adds a bit of cool .relationresultMu Guoxingsmiled to stand beside him Zhu Guangwei said : Zhu grows ,it ! , relationresultZhu Guangwei turnedtoward the back of the police ordered a few, the police knock to rush forward .
Knocks but didn answer ,only to hear the two dogs in the yard was shouting .relationresultMu Guoxingwas laughing and smiling at the police never made a sound ,after a while the door police become dejected and despondent back : Zhu hall ,no one came to the door !The how to do ah ? , relationresultZhu Guangweilooked at the name of Liu Mingxin discipline field ,face with a laugh at it ,was a fire ,scolded : knock on the door ,you will not cross the wall inside? , relationresultKnock on the door of thepolice heard the dogs in the courtyard is made worse, stammer says: director ,cross the wall it is OK, but the courtyard has two dogs ,we fear in comrade is in danger .
, relationresultZhu Guangwei sawhow he smiled even more ,although Mu Guoxing is back at him, not see his face ,but from his shrug the shoulders also knows that Mu Guoxing is in the laughing ,the police was undoubtedly add fuel to the flames .
relationresultidiot ,no wonder the community spread with a word ,stupid like the police !The other is your waist lump iron ? , relationresultFinish this sentence,Zhu Guangwei could not help laughing .
The policeman was director for a lesson ,heart nest a fire .Drew a pistol turned those waiting at the door of the police shouting : four people squat ,four gun climbed to the top of the wall ,put the two dogs to me ! , relationresultFourpolice skill is agile climbed over the wall ,raised his gun ,took aim at the two dogs ,started shooting .
A two gun shots missed ,or missed ,the dog more worse .Has played a dozen guns ,the two dog had to lie on the floor without noise .relationresultJust thedoor and the sound of gunshots shocked the people in the village ,at the same time also alarmed the house owner ,from the main burst a 40s pugnacious looks strong man ,holding two knives ,alignment was opened the police heads ,is hard to split .
The police skill is agile, unhurried fly one foot took the man to kick out .Man holding his stomach Teng took a few steps back ,sat on the floor .relationresultThen,from the principal rooms and out one more than 40 years old Beatles loose woman ,he picked up a basin when ,when ,when knocked up : come on man, the police to kill ! ,www.beats4monster.co.uk, relationresultButalso ,this basin knock so loud, that surround the village just look busy ,no one is willing to forward a sentence .
relationresultThe doorwas finally opened ,several police officers swarmed into the .Quick to give it a middle-aged couple handcuff chain .At a push ,the couple and their two dead dogs came in a close contact .
relationresultAfter thepolice repeatedly searches ,at the yard is not now the slightest trace of the road .Interrogation is naturally by the public security departments to be responsible for ,Mu Guoxing took the opportunity and put Chinese stood in the yard this yard structure at .
relationresultMu Guoxing opens theeye ,already know Lu Honglai brother this secret new wing .But this time, he also can not directly tell a Chinese affectation ,had entered the room by room, go out, so from a few ,also from time to time DD pace with a wing within and outside of the area .
Dai Zhongli followed Mu Guoxing out into the mist ,while also saw a doorway ,also follow behind Mu Guoxing the ins and outs of measurement with !relationresultMu leader ,the rooms have a problem ! , relationresultMu Guoxing,is this word, this secret but you wear Chinese own now ,but no relationship with him Mu Guoxing .
But after wearing Chinese asked him how the present road will be back to my hometown ,it would be better to cope with him .As long as you let Xiao Liu told him ,had Lu Honglai in the body by the tracking device ,Dai Zhongli is also dare to get to the bottom of the ask ,the tracking device in where ?Presumably this is the sixth to military secrets as a pretext ,would take him to the back up !relationresultChapter 765th of the west wing .
relationresultWearingChinese greeting over several project group of cadres of discipline inspection ,pointing to the west wing wall said : tools ,to the wall to give me apart ! , relationresultUnderpolice interrogation that a middle-aged couple ,hear the project group of people to open their home wall ,immediately loudly shouted : you can dig the walls of our home ,the wing but just built !You also don people live ,this world there is no king ? , relationresultMu Guoxing went tothe couple before: are you Lu Honglai ?Want to let us not planing walls can also ,to Lu Honglai and he hid in your things out ! , relationresultHusband and wife two peoplelooked at each other ,immediately shouted : my brother was not killed you in the hospital ?We want to go to condole ,you don let us out !How can I give him? , relationresult,then we have to cut this wall to investigate !You may rest assured that ,if we wronged you, the government will compensate ! , relationresultDai Zhongli alsoheard the middle-aged couple answered ,waved his hand ,rushed the discipline inspection cadre says: give me a plane ! , relationresultPickout onto the wall of your voice ,it is obvious that the wall of the middle is hollow .
relationresultNohit on a few, I heard my there came a policeman voice : who? Don ,hands up ! , relationresultSeveral people cameto go in to look, my bedroom door stood a man, holding hands ,not Lu Honglai ,who is it? , relationresultYou have to work, I out of their own ! , relationresultLu Honglai didnpanic, slowly walked to the living room a sand sat down .
relationresultHe is a leader ,I die a man .In the morgue to wake up ,I just want to have a look back to my hometown ,and my relatives farewell ,then go to the project group to speak clearly .
You don done the make so much noise ?By discipline appoint double person also not all is a problem, you have to act responsibly today ! , relationresultPig eight quitFlaming Mountains make Related articles:

