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Not much to fall to the ground , relationresultContinued to movein behind the pace with fire plume birds .But then ,Xiao Hua is not the eyes jump !A black shadow in the twinkling of an eye, all from false image right side not far from the crowd suddenly jump out .
The bird runs toward the fire plume !relationresultThis guyis a thief !relationresultXiao Huawas originally set to one or two seconds later, he took a masked towel ,face casts to steal fire plume birds ,but then the unexpected situation ,Xiao Hua without hesitation, but also controls the false image ,towards the fire plume flying past !relationresultFire plumebirds and worm maternal two big dick in the central square to collision ,uttered a sound loudly loud and bursting with Spark Spark .
Nature is a round red light .Red light irradiation on the peripheral face numerous game player .Many game player expression is started up .See a piece of artifact was in my eyes in general !relationresultBut in the meantime,many game player vision suddenly is almost at the same time leap out of two black ,two shadows one before and one after the fire plume birds to dash past !relationresultThey are thieves ,wanted to steal the help !Kill them ,don steal ! Someone immediately aware of two people ,big roared !relationresultSo manypeople are waiting for death and then took the opportunity to get a concave ,now he has to close to a means of cheating ,to advance the loot away ,people can !In this post .
There are a hundred returns immediately .People began to attack the two figure !relationresultBut thetwo shadows is very close to the concave ,in such a short period of time ,to start a group magic is impossible, so now appear in the air attack ,no one is not instantaneous single skill attack !relationresultTrackingfireball ,Frostbolt arrow , although the attack are single .
But more than 100 road attack .Colored light shine under neat skill .Momentum is still very scary !relationresultOn a night ) ,petty thief wanted to fish in troubled waters !Small ,look at hundred magnificent attack fiercely toward two people down ,people take pleasure in other people ,the two would like to take the opportunity to sneak out cheap guy was killed .
relationresultAlthough theseattacks are not very high ,but was real ,even if is the knight can not be safe and sound to the body under the !relationresultBut tothe surprise of the game player ,this two people actually seems to have preparation early, are a rock ,but also tracing attacks hit two Taoist shadow ,the remaining attack lost all ,especially the one behind a little shadow ,even at this moment than another dark shadow faster close the fire plume birds !relationresultHis sister !These guys really hard ! Xiao Hua then also broke out in a cold sweat .
False like old only to advise ,more in the two or three attack, false image will hang undoubtedly !relationresultXiao Huaagile is close to the young ,in the phantom ring under the action of speed in the game ,absolutely is unmatched ,another although the thief is one-up sneaking out ,but in the game player attack barrier ,false image has been successfully over !relationresultAnotherthief but noted the false image exists, it covered her face ,then from the hooded towel to expose a two black eyes looked fake like figure, eyes a very surprised !relationresultLook at theimage right up to the fire plume birds ,this man is obviously want to see false faces, but the night when it is a big help Xiao Hua ,Xiao Hua handle cover in the face ,the man is forced at ,is unable to see false image .
relationresultNot good ,cheap beats by dr dre! Fire plume birds in front of .But then ,the worm population is to fire plume bird launched the final blow !relationresultButthere a parent body .His ten black as the bore hole ,followed by ten huge black shadow from mase out !relationresultHis sister,seemingly too late !relationresultFalse imageand pool fire with only a few steps away .
But that on the ten road such as shells like shadow speed is very breathtaking ,Xiao Hua in a panic ,also did not know is false as a little faster or the shadows a bit faster !relationresultBut then,fire plume birds before dying ,but suddenly took a step back !relationresultYour sister ,thank you very much .
When Xiao Hua saw the great rejoicing ,fire plume birds step wins him several steps .In this step ,a fire plume bird is standing in front of him !relationresultSteal.Xiao Hua did not hesitate to make false as with for a long time useless ,do not know whether also useful to steal !relationresultAt this moment,ten shadows such as shells like the hard hit in the fire plume birds, a without stop rumble sounded, fire plume birds was finally issued a final cry ,and fell to the ground ,and a fire plume birds died before ,it is because the shadow behind the attack ,the first a white rose !relationresultFire plumebirds slowly fell down on the ground .
Many game player is ready ,ready to do life rushed forward to pick things up ,but on the ground ,in addition to fire plume bird ,is a feast without even a coin could not see !relationresultArounda large game player disspointed ,Xiao Hua was peering into a backpack , relationresultChapter 252nd creating confusion , relationresultOnefeather birds !Egg !When the game player Guild president ,the guild has a village level ,just the wild resident ,can use this egg hatching a powerful Guardian beast fire plume birds !Guardian beast after hatching, will receive a state aura ,resident in the game player will be the halo effect, once the resident under attack ,according to the guardian beast loyalty ,guardian beast will make different back ,when the guardian beast loyalty is high enough .
And to meet certain conditions ,guardian beast can even leave the resident ,to attack hostile guild !relationresultHair!relationresultCoarsecursory glance fire plume birds egg attributes, Xiao Hua feel this stolen is really worth !Although do not know after hatching, the guardian beast attribute ,but merely that cover the entire resident halo ,is let people slobber !The village level of the resident is if the resident to upgrade to the town ,or city level ,guardian beast effect is very obvious !relationresultXiao Hua didnwhether the remaining cities would storm out of fire plume birds egg this extremely valuable items .
Even ,each city has just lost a !This thing to the system if auction house a throw, second world ,I once again set off a frenzy of auction frenzy !relationresultThere is not much the old mother ,mage ,Archer prepares to attack ! At this time .
A voice is heard over private , relationresultXiao Hua wasa surprise ,and will look from a backpack .relationresultThereis a little maternal left rib ,and numerous game player ,especially has a certain number of guilds ,it is together .
Start on the worm maternal launched frenzied attack !relationresultThegame player for fear of others than their own output ,now is not fatal to the worm body played magic to throw !relationresultThereis a strong maternal terror ,can saying is make one !Xiao Hua watched the fire plume birds fight it ,both injuries are tens of thousands of tens of thousands of fall ,he also does not like how, but now from all sides ,looked at from the crazy swooped out of the myriad skills ,to the Sarlacc parent ,but can knock down a few ,not more than falling point of rib ,in great fall ,Xiao Huacai knew this guy is how metamorphosis !If there were not a fire plume birds had the guy killed most of the rib ,sand city must fall !relationresultBut thecity money Central Plaza now also has the tens of thousands of game player ,tens of thousands of people killed in a night .
The siege is a concave aim ,if you kill the game can not play !Besides this a game player momentum Rainbow City ,in attacking the worm parent process, while continuing the game player death ,but these people ,either by team vicar raised, either immediately choose resurrection . Related articles:

