
beats by dre solo God warrior re

, but he does not understand such a simple answer ,rather than the much simpler to start ,why too Cologne imperial to consider so long ?relationresultThe DragonEmperor slowly said , as for the reason ,I will not say more .
, relationresultLongfeiasked so many secrets, will also satisfy ,as Swire imperial seal things, since it is his private opinions ,also not know what person, he did not insist upon the Dragon emperor .
relationresult,then we will have a look into Pegasus Dojo . , relationresultPacificDragon Emperor compared to before the domineering ,then obviously is very low-key, nodded ,two Guanghua flash ,then entered the planar portal .
relationresultWhentwo people disappeared like magic ,the whole house ,sudden violent explosion .relationresult...... , relationresultPegasusfield ,when the Dragon came in, only to find it is like too long Wong said, the entire space really is composed of numerous giant chessboard .
relationresultIn thePegasus Dojo when, suddenly feel Longfei produced a transient vertigo ,seems to be his body becomes very small ,but slowly into the gray space .relationresultXiao Yu et alin Longfei appear side ,until Longfei and too Cologne imperial appears, the whole space tones begins by grey slowly fades ,showing a faint white dragon ,and felt that he had not controlled fly towards the light ,white sky fly up .
relationresultAs thebody is constantly launch ,gray space seems to become more and more small .relationresultThen,a white square appears in the gray space adjacent to ,then red ,blue ,gold ,and more to rise, Longfei is surprised, with each square appeared in dragon line of sight .
relationresultEventually formeda giant chessboard chessboard !relationresultSurge high and sweep forwardriver cross board intermediate ,Longfei know in my heart ,this is just as a river community .
relationresultDragonheart a sudden thought ,can own in Tianma Dojo ,it is one of the chessboard chessmen? , relationresultBetween theeyes is wondering ,dizziness ,huge board on a square lattice is to enlarge rapidly ,as though he were falling from the sky ,suddenly opened his eyes ,saw the Dragon Emperor own Pacific side, with a serious face at her .
relationresultSee ? Pacific Dragon Emperor asked .relationresultLongfeiirrepressible heart shock ,a nod of the head .relationresultPacificDragon Emperor looked to other people ,are safe and sound ,he said , as you can see, there are numerous layers of space ,and all the space together ,is a giant chessboard ,and where we are now on board ,but no Pegasus dojo in only one number chessboard .
, relationresultJust then,all of a sudden, a hearty laughter from their head down ,Longfei et al looked up ,I saw two giant appears in mid-air above the gray space, revealing a huge body ,they are Taibai martial god and channel .
relationresultWhilethe martial god ,no longer took the chicken ,but with a green staff ,look at everybody bursts out laughing ,sound like rolling thunder general .relationresultHa ha ,you did not let me down ,I welcome you to my Tianma Dojo ,rogue dragon ,you took out the body feeling how ah .
, relationresultPacificDragon Emperor apathy , Taibai ,what you play any tricks ,I have the dragon emperor here, the sooner you just get out of the way, let us get to the Valkyrie tower .
, relationresultTaibaishook his head emphatically ,a face of panic red make adults ,don you are only half of the strength ,is now in my Tianma Dojo ,my strength is not Ying insects as ,be reduced into evil stars grade ,I believe you ,or to a few recruit ,but accidentally hurt others ,I can not irresponsible .
, relationresultThen,Taibai and laughed at ,seems too long Wong ,the once red ,gave him great satisfaction .relationresultPacificDragon Emperor gnash the teeth in anger ,desire to speak, is a step forward, deep voice asked , so ,what do you want to play ? , relationresultThegiant hand one brandish ,his side of the disturbed channel said softly , ,your game, it is now facing the first checkpoint .
, relationresultPeoplelooking around ,looking at the huge is a continental general board ,the heart not by vacant, and Xiao Yu by Arlo careful said, don say ,we are the chess? , relationresultTaibailaughed , little girl, yes ,this game ,chess ,you will be .
, relationresultThen,Taibai side safety channel snorts, looking at the Pacific Dragon Emperor said , old ,in this game you are familiar with ,is it right? ? , relationresultThisis the original ,ancient dragon emperor forced them to participate in the world game, unexpectedly, Swire Dragon Emperor in a cocoon around oneself ,today ,but was defeated in the hands ,recommit the same error .
relationresultFate,is full of coincidence .relationresultPeople,life, always repeat the same thing ,perhaps this is the law of life .relationresultPacificDragon Emperor whispered to Longfei said , I ,I should think so .
, relationresultLongfeinow and too long the are in the same boat ,the Dragon Emperor culture ,superb ,should be able to successfully cross the border .relationresultHedeclared , now we are playing pieces, how are you going to play ? , relationresultSafetychannel hand extended ,from his sleeve ,suddenly fly out several spots ,black spots and those from the sky high dropped into their standing board ,awesomely, it is sixteen people ,and their body ,was close to a huge tag ,marked their own identity .
relationresultWill,Wales ,phase ,horses ,cars ,guns ,soldier .relationresultNot only that,from the sky also flew down stack of badges ,labels on top out is red .relationresultAn Daoquan said, this game, called chess .
.. ... , relationresultThen,on channel will be chess specific moves ,tell everybody,beats by dre solo, and they were all listen very .relationresultSafetychannel paused, said , don linger ,Longfei ,since you is to enter the temple ,then you have to decide which party you play what role ,I hereby state again ,be eaten pieces ,is the real death .
, relationresultOf course ,if the opponent ,not only to see the chess player but also as a piece of their own strength . , relationresultLongfeiface on a cold ,like the temple of anyhow ,gave people a chance of survival ,did not think of Tianma Dojo ,but to some people ,must die here .
relationresultLongfeiturned around ,looked at them all ,but unexpected discovery was a steadfast gaze at her .relationresultWhileXiao Yuniu by twisting the neck ,said , I believe you ,you let me do the front pieces so as .
, relationresultFang Xionget al have answered, yes ,just some labeled puppet ?A battle we didn help much ,finally our turn out, ha ha . , relationresultFang Xiong and otherssay clear, but the black pawn ,it is clear that God warrior .
relationresultSo besidesXiao Yu ,Longfei ,Swire Dragon Emperor and small gold accident ,the other dragon mainland follow from the people ,mostly by seckill destiny ,so how to avoid them can be minimal losses ,there ,look for the understanding of the extent of the chess longfei .
relationresultLongfeiswept Fang Xiong et al ,now ,he also needs twelve people ,he sank down aloud ,no longer hesitate began to call the roll, well, then, I point to the name ,as chess pieces ,Zhao fire ! , relationresultZhao Huohey hey laugh, dragon elder ,me and you give me that several ten pills ,do not eat ,to expire ah ,ha ha . Related articles:

