
Beats by Dr Dre studio you come offend t

Samsara, is going to make Kong Yu the world between the seventh saints .relationresultSuchcontradictory words make men free student very indissoluble ,rather than free disciples did not understand, even Primus himself is very do not understand it ,in his estimation ,because the hole jade sanctification complement forty-nine numbers ,the heaven is complete, this era came to an end ,the universe is about to usher in the transmigration of damages ,and the universe destruction because of hole and jade .
relationresultBut inPrimus estimate ,the child below his door to keep true soul soul ,waiting for the world of transmigration, or even by Kong Yucai can be achieved ,which is let Primus some do not understand .
In under the door before he summoned the student ,is to me ask this matter, but I calculate result is like him, which makes it more whirling .relationresultTransmigrationdamages because the hole of jade ,and want to spend this reincarnation of damages was also need Yucai line hole ,such a thing is too some strange ,no matter I and Primus to calculation ,are not able to refer the matter to the projected clearly ,so it is only such portal disciples said .
relationresultFreethe disciples to Primus is very confused ,but the heart is afraid to ask out ,and then the Primus is a wave, all free student understand Primus meaning ,so are respectfully withdrew from the free ,and it was at this time ,Primus is said , cloud neutron left .
, relationresultCloud neutronto Primus then footsteps meal ,is stopped ,and the other free disciples saw Primus will be unaffected by Primus favorite cloud neutron stayed ,heart is confused ,but is quickly pulled out of the free ,dare not have any stay .
relationresultCloud neutron ,you come before this is it right? See your uncle Kong Yu ? Primus to respectful standing there said cloud cloud neutron ,neutron after listening one, don Primus why ask this matter ,but it is not something to conceal ,will meet Kong Yu things out .
relationresultCloud neutronin the then is he knelt down ,facing the Primus said , damn the disciples ,guide hole jade master to find the apostate people, please also Swami punishment .
, relationresultPrimusto cloud neutron words ,eyes showing a naked, immediately to the cloud neutron said , you are a good luck ,he became so causality ,it seems that a reincarnation of kalpas and you will be the peace of mind .
Well, you go back . , relationresultCloud neutronto Primus had some doubts, but then backed out ,did not dare to ask ,and Primus looking cloud neutron background muttered , the apostate people ? , relationresultseek flowers and VIP tickets ,thank you support .
, relationresult , relationresultThe 511st chapter a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva , relationresultKong Yufrom the cloud neutron heard a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva may know the whereabouts of Huang Zhongli ,so he is directly towards the South China Sea fly away ,this time Kong Yu does the ancestor witch Dihong powers forward flight .
There is no clue ,so can cast this spell ,if missed ,now get the clue ,Kong Yu need not fear the ,to display the ancestor witch Dihong supernatural powers in forward flight, the twinkling of an eye is to the South China Sea sky .
relationresultA Buddism godness GuanyinBodhisattva in South Mount Putuo falls gamma hole ,although Kong Yu is to the south ,but far from being able to arrive at a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva ,the body into a streamer continue to fly forward ,will Zubu Te Jean powers to play to the limit state, after a while ,jade was finally at the front hole saw a piece of violet ,this lets Kong Yu know a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva to ,this is because the patches of violet light is a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva Dojo logo .
relationresultIn the Mount Putuofalls gamma hole with pieces of a million years Zizhu ,those patches of violet light is radiated from the bamboo ,so see here is to a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva .
Kong Yu ���� flash isappeared in the South China Sea Putuo Piedmont ,watching the movie that strong ,exudes pure Yimu breath Zizhu ,heart is feeling here is really a good place Yimu magical practice .
relationresultFromcloud neutron where Kong Yu know this a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva body attribute is pure wood properties ,such qualification training method is the most suitable for the Department of wood ,it is precisely because of this, a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva extremely by Primus the wood Royal magic imparted a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva ,and this mill siddhi practice to great later, between heaven and earth and grass are all surrender ,obedience training mill siddhi one command ,and practicing mill Magic also can grasp the life and death between heaven and earth of vegetation ,vegetation is really the .
relationresultWhen Sun Wukongwill ginseng fruit tree uprooted disaster is invited a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva ,a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva and also with the result of ginseng fruit wood make the dead come back to life .
And let Kong Yu go to a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva cloud neutron is also precisely because of this point ,perhaps by practicing magic a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva mill can know the whereabouts of Huang Zhongli ,just to be able to know ,then the cloud neutron is not sure .
relationresultBefore looking at thepurple bamboo grove ,although Kong Yu exclamation which contains thick Yimu essence ,but these are is not able to let him stay too much thinking ,he is going forward ,and in the Kong Yu step forward when, suddenly a black light flicker ,a hairy ,looked like a giant black monster appears in front of Kong Yu ,holding a spear ,as Kong Yu said , ,who you are ,Beats by Dr Dre studio?Why trespassing on Mount Putuo ? , relationresultKong Yu looked atthe bear monster ,although the style is very full, but mana is not high ,Kong Yu knew that this should be the Mount Putuo Shou Mountain God ,too difficult to him, to bear monster said , I came to a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva ,also please to announce it, said holes for the jade .
, relationresultA Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva is not at home ,West to elysian fields ,you .Wait, what did you say your name ?Kong Yu. Bear monster in listening to the words of Kong Yu after it started to hold about and give oneself airs of the said Kong Yu ,then suddenly is over, the hands of the pike was dropped on the ground ,large eyes watching hole jade .
relationresultHolejade wars Sun Wukong seven monster holy war ancestor ,Styx ,demon division Kun Peng and Lu pressure things have already spread ,even the bear monster is also heard Kong Yu ,tree shade ,human name ,Kong Yu was spread in the fairyland ,where the situation is now more Kong Yu is Dao Zushou in order to disciples, future world of saints ,bear monster should dare to speak to Kong Yu ,nature is made him frightened .
relationresultBear monsterat the front face of indifferent bore jade ,feeling Kong Yu smell ,it is what feeling ,this let bear monster knew of Kong Yu strength is far above him ,because even a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva ,he also can from its body to feel a little mana wave to move, but this Kong Yu is a little will not come out ,it let the bear monster heart is afraid ,hurriedly knelt down to Kong Yu and said , the disciples bear monster ,is a Mount Putuo Shou Mountain God ,whether you come, offend the place also please forgive .
, relationresultKong Yu watched thebear strange look ,feel very funny ,but he is not to blame bear monster means ,with a wave of his hand, mana will bear monster hold ,then the bear monster asked , a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva is really not in ?What time are you coming back? Can I wait here ? , relationresultBear theblame to Kong Yu words after the man said , who is really a Buddism godness Guanyin went west to elysian fields ,as to when to come back, the disciple is also not known .
If you want to wait here for it, with the disciples . To know the present person is Kong Yu ,bear monster nature is not extravagant ,become extremely deferential up ,lead the way ,which went towards the . Related articles:

