
beats by dre n orcs Empire is

They have concerns, the weapons transaction does not intend to attend, so just like grain exchange, for even finished ore .relationresultDifferent people have different aspirations.,also do not reluctantly ,Ouyang home and leaves home to launch the arms deal ,Monica Empire and Stuart also played drums retreat ,only to food for ore ,dragon five this guy said he made no weapon ,only to food for ore ,Rong Xin .
Aike in this in the teeth of the storm more and dare not, food for ore ,weapons that she would not participate in ,leaving three ,ice clouds want to exit ,no family consent ,such extreme adventure thing she did not dare to do ,Su tea does not agree to have no way, because now she a symbolic president ,Hongxiutianxiang chamber of commerce power have all been transferred to her cold hands .
relationresultSince we do notagree to sell the weapons ,through consultations ,Bruce reluctantly agrees to the ore for food ,was the original exchange about one hundred and sixty billion tons of food to twenty million tons .
relationresultBruce doesnknow that he is actually with the ten people to do the business ,but the transaction Xiao Han people ,Xiao Han also deliberately concealed weapons on the partner transaction ,so the extra about three million tons of grain will become Bruce agreed to the terms of the deal ,Bruce didn Xiao Han and partners Maoni, Xiao Han partners do not know Xiao Han and Bruce talk about what ,in this business is so made !relationresultButin the two dials the human nose is completed, no one doubts .
relationresultGod ,you are too bad ,this idea can think out ! Purple charm to Xiao Han plan made a minute, he not to him dry ,province of his energy to do so many bad things !relationresultYour fox Terran also have many stock ,are sold to the God ,I will give a reasonable price ? Xiao Han while struggling to sprint ,asked .
relationresultThis thing ,I ,I don ,family affair ... ... Grandpa ,you brilliant ,want ,to ... ... The dramatic ups and downs of rhyme purple chest ,waist bow up ,head supporting the upper body ,breath ,and said .
relationresultGoblins ,also want to master dry ,God before you get to heaven ! , relationresult,Goblin not, God ,you have your little fairy ! Purple charm as a hypoxic fish surfaced ,constantly panting pleaded .
relationresultGoblins ,ah ... ... Xiao Hanhu bellow ,the essence of life spewing out of body ,heavily in the goblin of body ,camp bed so that they are about to shake apart .relationresultGoblins ,you say ,if have the business done ,can earn number money ? Xiao Han panting asked ,the thrill of making money to do * almost, addictive .
relationresultDon ,if can be accepted, at least $ten billion ! Rhyme purple small mouth non-stop to confide fragrance ,will enter the orcs Empire ,after tonight ,they may have to be separated for a long time ,so she tried desperately to meet Xiao Han ,in the hope that he can stay on the body .
relationresultThegreat prophet Ai Lin had felt her presence ,and she entered the Orcish Empire first night ,let her back to the prophet temple .relationresultDonrhyme purple is how to receive the message ,but the seer had some secret place ,beats by dre,but Xiao Han know ,purple charm this is likely to remain in the Orcish Empire some time .
relationresultBruce thewerewolf is good, in order to them the road safety ,also specially sent a wolf cavalry escort ,with wolf cavalry escort ,the team can run in both directions unblockedly in orcs Empire is .
relationresultMonicaimperial messengers and three other large family to see Xiao Han this line and the wolf cavalry escort ,simply follow starting with .relationresultOrcemperor is actually the original purple empire north gate ,such a strong city ,together with the power of a tiny bit cost by orcs took it down ,now also become Orc imperial capital ,the purple empire is a big shame .
relationresultFrom thenorth gate ,the orcs to the fortified city of the expansion ,area more than ten times larger ,Boulder built walls ,up to several hundred feet ,than the human any walls are high .
relationresultNotgate ,also cannot see a gates ,also see the defenders of ORC soldier ,that is a full forty or fifty meters wide gravel road leads to the orcs of new imperial capital !relationresultAlong the way,Xiao Han et al have seen many orc ,of odd shape ,swim ,fly ,and crawls on the ground ,not much is in rags ,it is what it is .
relationresultThe 359th chapter :the great prophet AI Lin ( two) , relationresult,see the orcs really poor ,hungry also wear not warm . So big face dark ,this woman compassion together, either previously hated what gnash the teeth in anger can forget .
relationresultHave you heard a the farmer and the snake story ? See a car child sympathetic look, Xiao Han remembered this on earth kids know that fable .relationresultGood Lord ,glass ,like listening to Xiao brother story ! The children clapped his hands .
In addition to Long Shisan this super large bulbs ,car all Xiao Han woman ,purple charm ,so big ,there are purple mirror ,a total of six individuals .relationresultWell ,you listen to me .
Xiao Han chuckled ,hand touched the glass children cerebellar bag , a farmer in the cold winter saw a snake frozen ,thought it was very pitiful ,picked up it ,with great care to put into his arms ,warm body with its warmth .
The snake by the heating, recovery gradually, and also restored the vigor .When it revives thoroughly ,they immediately restored nature ,with sharp fangs and severely bitten by a benefactor ,he suffered a fatal wound .
The farmer at the point of death timerepents bitterly said : I pity the wicked, not differentiate quality ,the results themselves ,by such retribution . , relationresultEnd of story,sitting in the Xiao Han side rhyme purple silence ,she hear out of this in the fable of the farmer and the snake represent what ,but she didn ,the contradiction between the orc - human ,are not only who can explain clearly, the orcs are cruel ,but also there are good ,but in general ,the orcs of cruelty to far more than the good it ,because some ancestor are natural relationship in the orcs ,is hostile ,on rat Terran ,hawk gens even to hunt rats human music ,snake family and frogman group etc, is hostile to life !relationresultTheso-called hundred people ,but there is relatively rare .
Many orcs living on the mainland where some few people tread ,unknown ,northern moors lived most are beasts like the orcs ,water and the sky less ,but this two orcs ,part of being human off the sea ,and most are eliminated ,especially the orcs in the sky one ,the threat to man is too big, race or the hidden world not, either extinct !relationresultThegroup had a race ,swan .
People ,this race that is comparable to the divine angel ,but somehow ,let people to extinction ,the world would never find a swan people !relationresultXiaoHan is the cold field ,purple charm is not in a good mood, because the story that she thought of them, and so big and others in their thinking ,is it right? The farmer ,but heartless Long Shisan there talk a lot of nonsense ,called the farmer is a dumbass ,snake can save it ,it is not their own have a death wish ?relationresultIn the traditional Chinesemythology, snake and dragon is actually one of the snakes .
Little dragons , ,but here the snake is a ferocious beast ,of many types, but also highly toxic ,harmless snake no snake genera ,Yin ,something like the dragon has almost ,so snake Related articles:

