
cheap beats by dre as own Di oneself t

Ability spare time of time really few.Although can the Zheng arrive of the integral calculus is many, still very tired.Is more important, compare the integral calculuses that the Zheng arrives, the Yuan blessing thinks greatly of an oneself more to fix for the last progress.If have no to soar 2 people to protect, oneself afraid of meeting drive strong line of draft, so oneself can have a so quick progress.Can hardly speak.
"Ha ha.This pouring is need not, do I still fear that you put blame on me to break down your to become rich to greatly account."Lyu Xiang sees Yuan blessing getting this person's feeling.Also delightedly order, opened small fun.For the monk, outside thing always should be in the second, only fix for is the most important.If put outside thing at the first, the space of that this monk progress not big.
"What become rich to greatly account, my pouring is a don't care.However the alliance so greatly acts this time, exactly is why?I hear ground**there isn't a nothing important affair occurrence?"The Yuan blessing smiles.Is some doubt of ask a way.The distance was super to manage last time of task, refined breeze fire pillar.Yuan blessing's also knowing by all means is to used for super strategies.Separate soon, the alliance incredibly and again launches a so large-scale task and lets people are to don't understand very much and also let the Yuan blessing of knowing some inside stories is a bit uneasy.
The facial expression that sees a Yuan blessing, Lyu Xiang sighed tone,cheap beats by dre, the complexion also turned into heavy, the openings says:"Ah says to is to have no what is up occurrence, however the undercurrent is dashing, once breaking out, perhaps being not a small matter, alliance also however is take preventive measures just.You refined last time of thing, is your knowing what?"
"This I know, what we refined was a breeze fire last time pillar, should be set out large strategies is used.Failed last time?"The Yuan blessing sees Lyu Xiang to open mouth to say these things with him.Don't also conceal, very heart to heart answer way.
Lyu Xiang shakes and says:"Successfully pour is a successful hair alliance refining breeze fire pillar, set out a breeze fire chain evil big, the really successful chain turned ground**inside the source of spiritual influence, purified evil spirit, but demon the reaction of the monsters came from anticipating of owner."
"The reaction of demon monster?"
"Is quite good, originally think great the success is after.These demon monsters want Yao to strike against a big and want to resume original shape.Want Yao to ignore, slowly adapt to lately work properly dint.Even connect demon monster because can not adapt to work properly dint variety, mutual annihilation all thought of.But who don't also thought of, this big 10%, let those demon monsters unite to get up, those six ranks after the bewitching monster expecting integrated ground**inside demon the strength of the monster.Original lacking unity became a great power."Lyu Xiang is some to helplessly say.
"Has the demon monster been already organized?"Yuan blessing heart in a surprised, think of before closing the border the affair of the career."Do they want to do what?"
"Who don't know what they want to do as well.The demon monsters withdrew the 2 F to all of the bewitching monster of five ranks in the 1 F, the bewitching monster that leave some not amount to anythings.Then guarded many bewitching monsters there at 2 F entrance.These two in the last yearses.With 2 F entrance for boundary, the monk is as mutual non-aggression as demon monster.They they have been connecting a soldier motionless, who don't know what viewpoint they have as well
The Chang soars to shake a head to say a fruit demon the monster contains activity, naturally judge Nu Mo one Yao lead but not hair, let the monk of clear jade city is a headache very much.
"What about the counterplan of that alliance?"
"The alliance also has no good way.Can establish to observe strategies in the 2 F entrance, then particularly guard ground**entrance.If the demon monster really needs to revolt and believe should can in the ground**the entrance intercept them.The alliance doesn't dare into 2 F to annihilate as well now, after all in the ground**inside, the fighting strength of those demon monsters is too strong, to the restriction of monk also the too big Chang soar some helplessly say.Now who all know ground**is a volcano that wants to break out there.But it doesn't break out, everyone can take precautions against, can not go in to dredge.
"I see everyone to worry so.Although the bewitching monster that these are evil to turn is in the ground**inside fighting strength strong fearfulness, once ground**, Be getting more different.
There is no the evil spirit in the spiritual influence, their fighting strength will weaken a lot, but our monk can develop normal strength and destroy completely them when the time comes still very easy.And they early orientation ground**inside of environment, don't necessarily really rush out to revolt."Is red to depend on pretty woman some disagree of say.
"This pours is also, probably is what we thought Be getting tooer many."Lyu Xiang smiles, didn't also answer criticism red depend on of words.Is red to depend on generation also act the viewpoint of one part of monks, can not say to don't have this possibility, either.But three big elders of the layer of tallest alliance have never relaxed Jing to fear to, the distance is super the work managing is one of the preparation of the alliance.
Soar not to answer criticism, Yuan blessing more can't from seek boring.Although unclear felling in heart demon the monsters aren't let it go at that,have no basis, said is also white say.Say that the alliance isn't to don't guard against again, also the round don't arrive his/her own a gold Dan monk to worry.Oneself current task.Still promote to fix for the most important.
"Calculate, don't say these disappointing of affair.Yuan boy, this is cloud Tan Jing that I prepare the material of the gold, you take to slowly melt.Speed I don't request, however quality you can want to my assurance."Is red to pass according to pretty woman is an universe bag for Yuan blessing, say at the same time.
"I definitely make an effort, the pretty woman pleases stop worrying."The Yuan blessing once connects the universe bag.Saw for a while material, all of detections were refinements to lead of, can save many energies for oneself, so smile assurance way.
"Still having this is that the guerdon for you is red to again is still an aureate ball for Yuan blessing according to pretty woman, but is a six rank early bewitching Dan.
"This is too" Yuan blessing receive hand in on seeing, stunned speechless.If is general this kind of lives, although the amount is many,the amount remunerates at most several thousand work properly a stone also about.Now these six rank demon Dan, but far and far outran this price.
"Give you you take.We take this thing, there is also no use.But to you that says to the gold Wu, this is the seldom good thing.Said again, we how also can not more stingy than Luo's senior Lyu Xiang put a hand and say with a smile.
The Yuan blessing hesitated for a while and still kept accepting.Although the affair that didn't lift to allow oneself to join the all things of the universe believe in, soars and red according to pretty woman obviously hair through be fastenned as own Di oneself to treat.If refuse again, don't know 2 people how to thought.
"Thank two elder generations."Since decide to receive, Yuan blessing also not at feigned, consumedly the square is square of after thanking, demon the Dan accepted."Like, you favour, net pass.More turn leisurely for a while, meeting meeting friend, we didn't delay you."See Yuan blessing lay up demon Dan, Lyu Xiang ordered to nod and said to the Yuan blessing.
"The younger generation excuses to leave."The Yuan blessing listens to Lyu Xiang so on saying and hurriedly start to excuse to leave.
Wait Yuan blessing after leave, red just say to Lyu Xiang according to pretty woman:"Senior why doesn't let the Yuan boy join all things of the universe to believe in?With our current relations, he should can't refuse?"
"Probably can't refuse, but affirmation be not willingly.There is no necessity because of a honor and duties.Let the not thrilling Chang in his heart soar ponder for a while, just answer way."Besides he joins not to join all things of the universe to believe in now and also have no how much differentiation.Other influences all know there that he is our person, this also enough
"This arrives is also, the distance is super to seek his time .All come first to ask our opinions, it is really already to admit that he was our person.However have never joined all things of the universe to believe in, he hereafter leave clear jade city how do?.Is red to depend on pretty woman some worry of ask a way.
"He wants to leave, also can can be left by he, don't thinking can restrain him.I have already prepared feeling.This boy affirmation can achievement dollar baby, and have a potential to become big monk, we need to keep a good relation with him like, don't want to control him."Lyu Xiang seriously says.
"Does he have results to show for the potential of big monk?"Red some surprise for depending on pretty woman, originally her evaluation toward Yuan blessing already very Gao, thinking that he can grow up he this kind of is high, but have never thought soar of the evaluation is higher.
"Boon, I just Zi Related articles:

