
Beats by Dr Dre studio and each breakthr

See the rolling of robbing the cloud ,a snake dance ,shake the universe sound reverberates in between heaven and earth .relationresult , relationresultThe 252nd chapter nine nine ( four) .
relationresultIn order to let Kong Yuduvisit and the construction of the square miles square was at the time already was the dark cloud enveloped the hijacking ,the whole world is dark down ,except for the occasional in robbing the cloud wildly rob ray, no point light ,the people are the heart of feel a burst of depression ,tension in the hearts of everyone in the spread of .
relationresultKong Yustill standing there ,looking at the sky in the area of Wanli ,do not know how thick fleeces cloud ,Kong Yu this is sure it must have been the legendary nine nine rob ,because only this time cloud range is Master Yu Qing reality six nine taken did not know to hit many times ,plus the time out of the art is in fright .
relationresultLightis to cope with the disaster cloud emitted power is to make Kong Yu feel some difficulty ,this visit is not nine nine .What will be ?Kong Yu did not think of to hide behind the man really is to prepare himself for such gifts ,faced the terrible pressure ,Kong Yu felt his body is like a piece of China general ,issued creak to broken sound .
relationresultWhileKong Yu will own mana operation to the extreme ,generalized momentum has risen to the pole when, from the time the clouds also dropped the first time thunder .However seen last Yuqing reality crossing the Armageddon man is immediately opened his eyes wide ,because Kong Yu first time ray was than Yuqing reality last rob ray and number of thick ,with endless Vaillant came down to Kong Yu .
relationresultIn the face of thisfirst rob ray, Kong Yu was not much surprised ,because this is the legendary nine nine rob ,who has not seen, nor any record, what these nine nine heavy .
How ray power .No one can know ,so even the first ray how .The out of the ordinary ,it should be .relationresultThe firsttime the thunder flash is fell to Kong Yu before, but this time Kong Yu and three hundred and sixty-five points .
At the same time, bursting out of a God ,and that the first time ray in the encounter hole shot * * . When was crashing into cloudy piece, then is Kong Yu body to absorb into the cave .
relationresultThis sudden changemakes the view in the distance Kong Yudu taken everyone is shocked, they never dreamed of such power in the first time ray was made Kong Yu so simple resolve ,this is exceeding one ,let the people mind seems to be a definite help, do not know what to think .
relationresultBut thereaction from all and only smile, they are taken to obtain for experience ,but Kong Yu ferry Tianjie method is that they are unable to follow ,after all, the whole sector only hole body orifices are open cave jade ,and practicing Qigong is stand without peer in one and siddhi ,such integrated is made Kong Yu should resist Armageddon ,and everyone else is no such ability .
relationresultBut all the peoplesaw Kong Yu easily took the first rob ray, but Kong Yu did not know how hard it is to bear ,rob ray energy so huge, that turned into a mist of first time ray was absorbed into the body after Kong Yu ,then enters Kong Yu Tian-gang .
Very large circulation channels ,subsequently and magic crazy running ,the first time ray energy refinery ,but even Kong Yu can have a crazy high-speed Tian-gang to check circulation channels ,practice is refining all energy and magic power ,but in the face of such a huge energy and some do .
relationresultThe hugeenergy in Kong Yu meridian running into yin and Yang Qi ,been refining into Nishida and knows in the sea ,the Yin and Yang and Yin and Yang Jin Yuan is fast growth ,but this is the first time the huge energy ray is still let Kong Yu somewhat be burst feeling ,great pressure covered the hole jade .
relationresultFortunately,Kong Yu not only practice and art, and Malay top method nine unreliable merit ,and nine black power needed energy giant is also extremely amazing ,so Kong Yu in his body seemed to bear the huge energy, is all the energy stored in the point light ,no longer absorption refining .
relationresultThis is alsoKong Yuzao thought the good plan ,regardless of yin and Yang, art, or nine RPM mysterious power ,each turn realm breakthrough are unimaginable power ,and each breakthrough a realm ,next to state need energy will be a rotating state several times ,hundreds of times, so Kong Yucai dare ray energy absorption .
relationresultKong Yu is nowthe yin-yang magic just meets the first realm ,so it is natural to give priority to with Yin-Yang magic ,so the energy is absorbed into the body to provide yin-yang magic operation ,refining into yin and Yang Qi and Yin and yang yin and Yang Jin Yuan expansion ,while the rest of the excess is to practice nine to fourth to prepare black .
relationresultBut thefirst time ray energy is too large ,makes Kong Yu want to run all the Yin and Yang siddhi refinery first rob ray thought lost ,finally can be the most rob ray energy is injected into the skin plug orifices ,this is the first time to resolve the thunder bombardment .
relationresultKong Yu isalso no respite ,the second rob ray is again fell ,the first to be large than some ,energy is naturally contain more massive ,jade controls the body orifices hole hole ,in second rob ray temporary body when, once again issued a god of light will be the second rob ray to be decomposed into clouds ,then quickly absorbed into the body .
relationresultYin-Yangmagic once again crazy running again ,lots of yin and Yang Qi continuously refining ,toward hypogastric and uncle to knowledge .In fact, if Kong Yu has enough time to refine it, so this time ray energy again how Pang mostly can be refining into yin and Yang Qi ,but this all of a sudden influx of body energy is too large, makes Kong Yu meridians and not all bear .
relationresultHave no alternative against oneunder Kong Yucai is the only most energy injected into the body cavity body space, nine RPM unreliable merit fourth ready ,and Kong Yu believed that as long as they reached nine to fourth black power to do so, then the body meridians to bear ability is will hundreds of times increase, then we can refine more energy .
relationresultRobray a drop ,Kong Yu is also a resolve ,until Kong Yu body acupoints of body space is filled in .relationresultwe looked for so long already know mouse this book is bought ,website is no charge ,but a buyout is not without limitations ,but also need good results ,so we see free books at the same time can send some flowers, and cast several VIP tickets ?Good grades, the mouse can be as much as possible to write ,the result is not good, it does not say ,also please friends a lot of support .
,Beats by Dr Dre studio, relationresult , relationresultThe 253rd chapter nine nine ( five) .relationresultKong Yu wasthinking of going through this time ray energy will improve the yin-yang magic realm ,because every time rob ray influx of energy is too big ,this also led Kong Yu to the excess energy into the body cavity body ,for nine turn black power training to prepare ,and until Kong Yu absorbed the thirty rob ray energy, jade body orifices of the space hole cave was finally filled with .
relationresultThis makes Kong Yuheart shock ,immediately is twelve bar all day mumbo jumbo streamers called out ,then into the side giant banner stands around themselves ,arranged to have very large array of gods ,then summons five ancestor witch ,and when Kong Yu finished this one cutting time, jade body acupoints injection hole . Related articles:

