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Declare Xuan for sky the door from now on returns concealed, could not close door.
When inquire about to be apart from a recent unreal door why just rush through to come over at the latest, but they push to say that the teacher door occupied to hold up.
Hum!Even if occupy, which have us the Xuan door in the sky to exterminate whole family of the matter is big!They in fact the Ji Yu is our Xuan door in the sky to fix true boundary the seat of first front door parties, also lend machine stroke for a while us the real strenght of the Xuan door in the sky.
We the Xuan door in the sky have already could not closed door to have more than 800 years since that time, even if occupying a mountain is also us senior 5 people by turn go, although within these 800 years, we the Xuan door in the sky resume some vitalities,finally differ a lot compared with the vigorous period!"
Say the time here, all take the look in the eyes of grief and indignation in the Xuan Hong 5 people's eyes, under the influence of them, with breeze is also grip double boxing, have already grown the felling that wants to fight.
"Just we senior 5 people is discussing to fix the business of true general assembly, because we received the invitation of unreal door, it has been more than 800 years since we coulded not close door, since they invitation come over, if our nonappearance pours is to let other people's joke, so just our senior the younger brother just measure a suitable candidate at the company.
Tu son, this fixing a true general assembly is to hold every 100 years once, therefore, can be enter a teacher door in less than 100 years of or self-discipline of time not longer than 100 years then the pupil can take part in, each group sends five pupils to take part in at least, just our company measured for a while, in addition to the pupil of in person spreading of your master's uncle asks a sky, two uncle Shis' pupils are unknown, three uncle Shis pupil sea dragon is old four of in addition to pupil meteor, rest of the pupil if not that fixing for not enough.
Then time that is a self-discipline longer than 100 years, so we don't know parties who go to well and at the right moment you the boy closed, although you boy self-discipline 12 years.
But the fix have to give you a gift for afraiding of in the self-discipline 100 inside of person in still could not seeking severals, so this hoping your boy can give us the teacher door to win glory and annoy for the bad the teacher door export and once promised for the teacher you."
Of Xuan Hong took out a bloom gold color ray of light of a double-edged sword pass to continue to say with the breeze,
"This is our treasure of parties in the town of the Xuan door in the sky to fall celestial spirits sword, a the sword is in the article fairy, at fix true boundary soul gun in the leaving of only unreal door also and evil very door of dark very the Fan can fall celestial spirits sword to place on equal footing with this and hoped your boy thoroughly preservation, doing not arrive a turning point never take out!How many seniors, don't know that you can have an opinion?"
"Is old five, take part in a few pupils of fixing the true general assembly in, also only with fixing of breeze for tallest of, although a few of our pupils also relatively become useful, and compare with with the breeze, finally badly too far, again say you fall celestial spirits sword and hand over to with the breeze is also wear to think for the reputation of teacher door, we Xuan concealed life time in door in the sky not is too long, perhaps compared persons to almost forget, since we are born, so we come right away one astounding, we want to prove to the people of this world, even if we the Xuan door in the sky was subjected to ruined stroke,we still aren't the generation of those gangsters to compare!"
The Xuan jade speaks the time of these words the heroism is astonishing, connect with the breezes all drive their leak*order and that persisted to be infected.
Right away kneel down with the breeze list leg, the heroism hurtles a sky of take an oath to Xuan big palace in the sky:
"I, Xuan family status 24246 pupils in sky take an oath here today with the breeze, as long as I have an on the hoof one breath with the breeze, I will definitely win a champion for the Xuan door in the sky, will definitely courageously fight for the honor of Xuan door in the sky throughout, if disobey this Shi, thunderclap in the sky splits, don't die a natural death!"
Immediately after and carefully once connected the hand of Xuan Hong in of fall absolute being sword.
Heard sign this heavy Shi to the Xuan palace in the sky with the breeze, Xuan jade, Xuan really a few old tears maneuver, that's a good boy, there is this good Tu, the door of He Chou Xuan sky isn't rising, right away and then to praise a prize with a burst of breeze.
Although don't know to take an oath with the breeze to the importance that fixs a true person, Xuan jade they know, if take an oath but the words of not yet finished, so fix to enter for willing have no inch again.
They know with the breeze is fix true boundary ten thousand years rarely fixs true genius and has his to swear, so the Xuan door in the sky is in his hand will definitely again at fix the true boundary ascends a crest, so, while hearing with the taking an oath of breeze, they several would such concussion!
Need Xuan jade, after they walk, Xuan Hong one face proud of of to with the breeze way:
"The Tu son leaves to fix time that the true general assembly still has two months, in this a period of time, I will will mine 《 sign way 》pass you, hope you living so much of appreciate, only one left lunar time inside, you will and those seniors to experience and training a month, then take part in to fix a true general assembly, know?Still has this to fall celestial spirits sword be in fact sealed by me to print, so just at the time that I took out, you just didn't feel he relentless of vehemence, there is handed downs from the ancestors teacher to your Xuan the sky print, I believe that you can untie by yourself."
Immediately after don't wait to answer with the breeze as well, directly take the place of his self-discipline and start teaching his 《sign way 》 with the breeze.
The common person studies a sign way estimate get several decades even last a hundred years, but with breeze different, had born physical endowment advantage, so the Xuan Hong just had confidence at a month inside let to appreciated the essence of 《sign way 》 with the breeze.
The expectation that indeed as expected didn't be ungrateful to Xuan Hong with the breeze , in a month, indeed as expected and completely appreciated the essence of《sign way 》 with the breeze, although some places are still not well-trained,that needs horary passage to fill up.
After a month, looking at is that satisfied appearance, also let Xuan Hong a burst of exclamation with the breeze:
"This teaching an intelligent person is great, at 1:00 namely, boon, have a little those early years my manner!Ha ha······"

The chapter 12 heavy fixs really
This day in early morning, the sunlight is bright and beautiful, Xuan Mt. Heaven everywhere one fragrance of flower birds' twitter, the shadow of human figure floats and rings a floating bell inside the valley everywhere, one animate prospects.
Was carried on the training of closing the type by the Xuan Hong on entering gate to a monastery with the breeze, so Xuan a few persons of elder classes in door in the sky know, besides which, , other pupils really don't know have so No.1 person's existence.At this time nether persons all at discuss in succession of guess his identity.
Looking at disciple about and arrive together, the Xuan Hong stood, the plank wears one vice- old face and looks like to make reference to very seriously:
"Think necessarily everyone has already known to fix the true general assembly will hold in the unreal door after a month!This time we the Xuan door in the sky also received the invitation of unreal door and missed my Xuan door in the sky is subjected to serious wound up to now and has been shutting mountain not from 800 year agos, process so several years of convalescent care, although the real strenght that didn't resume to vigorous period, can not let those, either small lo of group!Therefore, pass by me and a few amount of company of seniors, we decide Xuan for sky door heavy fix really!"
The words of Xuan Hong just on finishing saying, then heard the voice that the underneath repeatedly shouted bravo, saw those people's facial expression again, unexpectedly a was all tearful, prepared for a fight of, seemed to be very anxious to now go out to loudly appeal to the public:
"Xuan heavy time in door in the sky fixed true boundary!"
See scene like this, Xuan Hong they were also a burst of concussions, after all kept off a conflict for more than 800 years, had already finally come back now!
The hands of Xuan Hong lift to get down tiny press,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre, underneath immediately calmness come down!
"I solemn and impressively introduce toward you now I the lately- accepted disciple is a station by the side of me of this, with the breeze.He will be us the Xuan Zhang with next door disciple in sky!"
Very the Xuan Hong cow fork says, with breeze also to advertise for sexual of to the ordering of public smile.However in the mind is just thinking, having never thoughting this old man to unexpectedly connect an of Zhang door has to pass me, although I how not interested in.But now also not fall in his face, sometimes seeks him to discuss.
Is public on hearing will be a next Zhang disciple with the breeze, again careful of re- examined this to look like have a little handsome young man, look to look like from the outward appearance very good, charming dashing, one form talented person, however be don't know ability how?
"Like, this matter discusses again soon afterward.The business that discusses to fix a true general assembly first, pass by me and negotiating of a few seniors, have already selected to take part in the list of fixing the true general assembly pupil, I declare now, they are to ask a sky, unknown, sea dragon, meteor, also have with the breeze.
In addition to I have a roll call of several and a few seniors, rest of public all all draw off!Thoroughly self-discipline, win glory for my Xuan door in the sky!"
The Xuan Hong just said that finishing was then public as the disappearing of tidewater.
The Xuan jade senior, the senior of Xuan Ye fixs a true general assembly this time, I want to make your 2 people take a brigade, you see how?The reason the Xuan Hong makes two of them take a brigade is that their 2 people distinguish in 5 year agos and Related articles:

