
cheap beats by dre ds to send out a doo

Calmed down down at the moment, remembered just 2 people to hug together, Wen Xiang Ruan's language in bosom, the female kid is awkward and shy but hurriedly ground breath ……not from get foolish a foolish.

Lead meeting son, Xiao feeling just low voice openings, imitate a Buddha past make a town settle generally:"Feed, you ……whether your shoes is peculiar?Is canning stand so on the wall?"

Chen Xiao unwillingly smiled to smile, is also past to make calmly:"H'm, is a small tool."

"You say ……this kind of monster, have how much on the island?The meeting can't be all closed by us at in?"Xiao Qing thought for a while:"If is so good.\\\\\"

"I see can't."Chen Xiao shakes head:"I feel just the ground time is in the villa and listen to the voice of outside seem so many not only.And ……these things' having wing will fly, perhaps from fly to come over in the another island of, hard to say."

For a while, his facial expression is dignified afresh:"Still didn't find out the person of disappearance unfortunately …… alas, these things are so fierce, don't know a small gold and six small they ……"

The map in the hand, the place of unique possible Tibetan only this cellar, in addition, true on the group of islands have no anyplace ability Tibetan.And ……these monster born natures seem to be very bloodthirsty and seem the cannibalism meat is also ……

Thought of here, Chen Xiao's look in the eyes not from must again toward being hit bang bang ring indiscriminately of see go in the cellar door ……


His eyes are abrupt however a bright!At the same time facial expression but change!

Xiao Qing realized the variety of Chen Xiao's air, see Chen Xiao's eyes keeping a straight crest on the wood door!That look in the eyes inside, seems to take one silk shocked!

"What's the matter with you?"

Chen Xiao didn't answer, but suddenly kneaded tight fist, grind teeth a malicious way:"Do I how can have never thought!How did I just incredibly neglect this!"

He walks to the door stretch hand to press beside at that door bolt up ……

The Xiao feeling doesn't know Chen Xiao how exactly.Have to heel at he is nearby.

"Xiao feeling, we just arrived at cellar ground for time, this door was closing of, to?Door's bolting is also at the above!"

"Yes.That's right."The answer of Xiao feeling subconscious, but after all she is also very and wisely, very quick, understood Chen Xiao's meaning, is also"" of surprised shouted 1!!

Problem, in bolting door!!

Two as people are just coming, the door is locking!But cellar inside but have a monster!

Is that monster how to go in?Will the monster open the door by himself/herself?Will know to guard a gate to bolt to pull out?!

"Probably ……drive while bumping monster.The door bolted to bump.Then just go in ground ……"although Xiao feeling says so, very quick shut up, felt this kind of guess too wide of the mark, oneselfs can not round out one's explanation!

That's right!If the monster strongly collides with under, probably have so very smallly a possibility, when plank in the door rocks, bolting in the door of top is probably bumped to fallen off on the ground!

But ……after monster went in, but again is who, guard a gate to bolt to re- hang up?The monster can have no this intelligence.Know how to lock a door!!

"Last someone in the island!"Chen Xiao ground teeth to say such a words.Although this sentence says somely absent-minded, but the Xiao feeling immediately understood Chen Xiao's meaning!

Yes, on the island.Someone!Is someone is secretly playing tricks!Not pure is these monster!These monster outside, also someone!!!

Chen Xiao thoughts of here, facial expression is also a change!The Xiao feeling nervous look in the eyes also hopes at the same time to Chen Xiao, 2 people are surprised to exhale at the same time:"Mess!Tool building!!"

Imitating the Buddha is the guess that corroborated 2 people, from the villa ground that direction , from a distance, spread a hugely bellow!


See one regiment the blunt sky of wildfire fled out!It's surprised to particularly touch eyes in the night sky


Chen Xiao Jing shouted out!

That is a move villa is burning!!

Having no is the least bit unable to decide, 2 people are quick of run about wildly toward that direction but go to.\\\\\\

The villa of group of islands totally has Block 6.The parallelism becomes one row.Of so according to the mode like this designs.Because at the beginning and slowly surname company at develop this slice of spend a holiday village of after have already taken aim at customer's community wealthy rank.

Although if building two rows or three lines of villas can be better to make use of a land of area, unavoidably the villa of rear row will be covered view by the front row but could not see a lake view-for a lot of overly critically the rich come to say.Prefer to spend more some money to also want to buy higher file ground to enjoy.The mindset that aims at big parts of rich, so Xu Shi's group was simply and then constructed a line of villas on the island and promised like this each room is all clearly view building in the lake.

Nature ……the marked price was also extremely expensive.

The wildfire combustion is most a right side a villa on the side, although the reason of the combustion not clear, set alight in the wildfire come before of that explodes, is everybody of island hear!Be the generator set of the very likely to be ground floor explosion!

The Chen Xiao and Xiao feeling sees the light of fire hurtle of time, hide in the tool building of a help a person but fell into a crisis!

Suddenly such as it come of explosion, make original sink into extremely in fear in of people, heart of the last silk is rational finally collapse!!



"We will be burned to die!"

"The fire burned to come over!Run quickly!!"

"!I don't want to stay in this ghost place!I want to leave!Leave!!"

The beginning is two girls son loudly the bitterness Rang get up, later on two male staff members also joined among them.

Although Xu Er Shao all-outly pacifies everyone, very obviously the effect isn't good!

Under the sistuation that meet this crisis, oneself protects a life important, who also put this owner of the company son in the eye?Greatly not the work don't want, but the life only has a !

The distance villa is burnable to get flame flaming, almost burn the night skies of night view all red!The thick smoke is billowing, the circumstance very frightens a person!

Is very quick, two staff members have already sunk into frenzy, they regardless of slowly two littlely obstruct, spare no effort of outside rush toward to go toward the door, although Xu Er Shao tries to obstruct, already become mad of person where attend to up so manily, incredibly fight each other with Xu Er Shao, but cabbage a young girl is to can not impede a few staff members to simultaneously escape!

The front door was pushed away.^^Several what individuals fought to be the first hurtled to go out.Their targets are very explicit:


People having already been feared to pound at quickly to collapse, in heart leaves the last hope, also lead to the external world in the island the outlet is uniquely:Wharf!Ship!!

"Do not walk!Is dangerous!!Can not go out!"

An employee of quilt company of Xu Er Shao's face beat an one punch, several individuals pressed him at underneath.Then just hurtled to go out, the room inside soon left for Xu Er Shao, the cabbage still has Ya Ya.The employee of rest, originally still have of was hesitating, but looking at big parts of persons to all run away, also all blindly hurtled to go out ……

The human nature all follows like sheep in this a moment.A ground of person even if didn't want to run.But looking at to stay a person of ground is less and less in the room,cheap beats by dre.The person, who leaves, is more and more, always chooses to follow the majority but acts.

"Don't !!"

The cabbage is still screaming.But Xu Er Shao have already climbed from the ground, it is can hardly for his facial expression to see, original iron Qiao in the hand is also rent away by a staff member ……if isn't that he immediately loosens a hand, afraid of those already for fleeing for life but red eye of person, will don't hestitate of hit iron Qiao on his head.

In this time, through the window, 3 people can know of see start to rush out of the person have already an onrushing crowdly run to wharf ……

But later on, the surroundings is abrupt however ring out to come to a per of sharp of Hao call!

At forest ground edge*a side of near wharf.Is abrupt however of, from Lin Zi in flee quite a few the shadow of the black!

These hunting a food has already patiently waited for too long!Saw the finds to send out a door by himself/herself at the moment, where also is the least bit hesitant?

One by one black shadow.The Feng hugs in the cope of night but up!

Monster!A lot of monsters!!

The cabbage has been already seen the legs deliver soft, but originally also want to rush out Xu Er Shao who make track for the person, suddenly see have two monsters twisting a head to rush toward here toward the tool building Related articles:

