
monster beats al then the kid gr

What about him?Perhaps will of.Because he is a boy of thus gentle and soft credibility ……certainly, now already can not return to formerly verify this possibility, "rock farmland, are you liking me at that time?How do I all can not see clearly at 1:00?Many farmlands once said, I was like a tomboy, so, basically basketball department inside in that time no one chased me when the girl saw, I thought you are also so."
The rock farmland looking at her for the sake of she but packs out of smiling face, suffered in the heart already very.He thinks that is enough …… say, for getting thousand leaves' wishes, he will let she hurt so his own words to all speak?
"How can?I think that many farmlands so say, affirmation is playing trick.That time of you, although seem to be very violent, also not is what tomboy.Just, that time, it is really too many to have the boy of good will to you, and is all more excellent than me, so, I also can stealthily like you."
Dorothy says with smile:"It is an one-sided love."
"I think that doing not up probably also calculate is an one-sided love, just the good will is just."Thousand leaves are tiny tiny a smile.She looking at Dorothy some facial expressions that loosenned tones and wishes, tonight she exactly is at stem what?Incredibly connect many farmlands to say that oneself is like a tomboy old old matters like this were all moved away ……look many the farmland Be handsome to can say that again, had better not again with ever once liked that oneself or oneself once liked of the person meets, absolutely is endure long hardship.
Come out cafe, at the door, Dorothy asks:"Thousand Ms. leaves, can we be a friend?"
Thousand leaves hesitated for a while:"We ……a in the United States, an in Japan, still calculated.Said again, I was a more eccentric person."She plea for help the ground looking at a rock farmland and wish, tonight of she is to belittle she to inside in the dust, " concerning this, the rock farmland also knows."
"Calculate, Dorothy.It isn't all girls to like to have a lot of friends."Yan Tian says.
"It is really a regret.So, thousand Ms. leaves, if one day got to the United States, remembered to seek us to have fun." Dorothy says.
"I not too may go to the United States, at least currently not too may ……however, village last young lady, still keep thanking you very much."Thousand leaves change direction a rock farmland, " rock farmland, for the meeting of tonight, I am really happy ……I hope that you together will be happy forever from the bottom of the heart."
"You must be also happy."The rock farmland is silent to withdraw previous remark to speak in Japanese very in a short while and suddenly, " is thousand leaves, I am still that sentence, time meet next time, I hope to see a than thousand more happy leaves in nowadays ……still have, you still remember that I ever once said to you of that sentence?If you have been canning not forget in the past, difficult in the future protect can't regret.I also still want to say like this now.Just at that time, I hope that what you forgot is many farmlands, now then ascend original.I always feel that you if have been canning not forget them, the meeting can never get real happiness."
Thousand leaves remember that the rock farmland says that sentence to her, is a world of the end of September noon in grade three that year.They just backed a department at that time, while walking in the campus together unintentionally meet have already become the long valley Chuan of the girl friend of male and medium wild ……be because that sentence of rock farmland just makes her summon up courage and go to a sea pitch and seek on one's own initiative in the Christmas eve in that year up original, also just have afterwards she with up original association.
However, she remembers rock farmland once says as well at that time, if is him, still hope and the woman that oneself like together, which afraid can not get the love of the other party equal, at least also for each other of happiness led hard ……but see now, he still kept choosing to like his person.
"Have you exactly already listenned to into?"The rock farmland looking at thousand leaveses with silent look, imperceptibly, pulled out Gao own line, there is still burnt bright pain and sufferings in the words sound.
Dorothy stands on the part, don't understand him at say what, just the Zheng is big eyes to looking at them.
"Since up chose to leave you at first, you forgot him.He is again good, also the man who leaves you first, the man like this isn't worth your keeping as memory ……thousand leaves, I say so, I can give you up, you why can not give up to leave your top original?I believe that in this in this world, will definitely someone than ascend knew more to cherish you at first ……will definitely!"
If"rock farmland ……" thousand leaves mean to say very much some be unlikely to let Dorothy produce a misunderstanding, but station at to own of pass by if keep Zhang, again thus concern own rock farmland in front, her lachrymal gland finally still collapsed.What can she also say?The matter that she expects most at this time, being oneself had better suddenly become very very happy, happy get the person who is able to make to concern her to no longer worry her.
"Execuse me, I ……" however, she but can struggle to speak these four words.
"You didn't let me down, at the beginning have no obligation to like me such as you similar ……but, can you let like that your person feels a little bit rester assured?I know that tonight on turning round, we are strangers person.But thousand leaves, you can let I have never concerned about ground to go away?……I also know, one day there will, I will be having no your place, with a woman's matrimony that loves me, living a few kids, happily keep on living as usual, then, the kid grows up, oneself becomes old ……this be whole life.But I still keep hoping and arrive we again meet of time, you ability happiness let me see ……I have never begged your anything, so, I hope that you can promise me.My true of ……do not want to see you again thus from pity from harm."
If"okay, good of ……" listens to a rock farmland, the tears is gradual misty thousand eyes.She thinks that being shallow wild soars to can say that again and sees, if she future unhappiness,monster beats, really influence other persons.Not only is her close relatives, even still include have already distinguished one and half years' rock farmland ……how do?She really hopes at this time from the sky and decline a boyfriend, certainly, she also knows, that is impossible;She even hopes that can return to previously, she thinks, this time, she will definitely be a little bit better to ascend at first, so, ascend original be unlikely will leave her ……certainly, that also already impossible.That was all past.
Life still always forward, and want to press the department class the ground lead.
"You ……Be saying what?"Dorothy finally cannoted help but interrupting conversation.
"Nothing important.Young lady of village, you don't misunderstand, the rock farmland is to just say with me I the business of boyfriend before, because they also knew each other ……frankly speaking, I also feel to really regret and didn't can catch him at that time.Certainly, this is just my own business, and the rock farmland has no relation.Young lady of"thousand leaves walk to the Dorothy in front and depressed voice, " village, you are really happy, can get a so good boy of rock farmland to like ……must cherish him."
"My meeting of.-Thousand Ms. leaves, if guarded to really vindicate to you at the beginning, you ……"
"But he has never vindicated to me.This is the fact.You never mind, this nothing important of.Is myself, during the days in the senior high school also not only once liked 12 boys.As long as being an excellent boy, I will have good will ……I think, that may be that kind of the universal mood of the age, and completely didn't relate to now."
Really don't relate to?That how may?Although she didn't understand the rock farmland and thousand leaves to just say what, so the rock farmland of the facial expression concussion, she has never seen before ……she thought, that probably be like with be liked of difference.She is again stupid, also know now, thousand leaves are the girls who is liked by the rock farmland;But she, then like the girl of rock farmland.
How can and so?She certainly believes that the rock farmland is to like hers.But, the degree is really different.
The past had no from the comparison, can not understand and finally knew now.
Have end one Mi opens garage to drive in Tokyo of night road in.
He just came out from the home at this time and returned to own abode.After went to university, he has already moved away to start a person living from the home.Today, his grandpa and parents and then carried on to take turns bombing at a time to him.The purpose nothing but hopes that he had better practice moral culture to cultivate mental poise from now on, whole heartedly the preparation graduates of matter, with the greatly good future prospects that the accolade will soon spread to open ……
Such as he anticipate, he will along the road one step specified by family one-steply stand down go to.
No matter he how thinks by himself of, at human face in the home Related articles:

