
dr dre beats opened Shimen is

Luo Heihei smile .relationresultNoflying beast ,only honest move the stone ,Aike family could no longer send a team flight to receive .relationresultOK ,you and Cara are the first to rest ,this morning we went to visit the ancestor of Aike family ! Xiao Han tao .
relationresultEldest brother.Visit what does he do? Kiara puzzled and asked .relationresultXiaoHan one laughs: come ,do not visit ,the protocol is wrong ,I somehow also cured him injured friend .
, relationresultContinuedlife saver is a good stuff ah ,after going back to gather medicinal herbs ,let Chi You that old man more refined ,for a possible period of want or need .relationresultXiaoHan led the purple mirror and that just from a hangover in the wake of the fox had a leisurely breakfast ,and Aike family ancestor may not he so relax .
relationresultReport ancestor ,Rong Xin miss and two maid room last night was missing ,intact ,did not find any trace of ! Lattice fish kneeling on the sombre some terrible Long Qin .
Aike front, back has been completely soaked .relationresultAlthoughGehman accommodation ,gave him an hour time buffer, but his entire chrysanthemum are searched, the results found nothing !relationresultGit ,waste .
.. ... For hundreds of years ,Long Qin .Aike Kung Fu is really grow a little no ,maybe at this critical juncture ,he was not in what ,but this is a wrong !relationresultThe three person ,the chrysanthemum much place ,hundreds of people including three men failed to see ,you are what you eat this watch ? Long Qin .
Aike angry at lattice fish nose scold .relationresult,it is all my fault ,you blame me ! Lattice fish except to ask to punish ,even a word to say for themselves can not find .relationresult,your anger, it also has responsibility for grandchildren .
Gehman stood out unhurried way .relationresultHere is your thing ,it is you take Rong Xin a go ? Long Qin .Aike angrily .relationresultIs really yourlet go .But this thing except Rong Xin he knows, no one knows ,Gehman homeopathy also knelt down and said: our ancestors ,it also has the responsibility of grandchildren ,but this can not let go of old grandson ,father figure ! , relationresultLong Qin.
Aike time gas confused ,Gehman all last night with him to stay ,how to put people ,besides lattice fish himself promoted ,to keep faithful and true ,how they will secretly let people in, also put out ?relationresultWhat are your responsibility ?Do the thing you secretly ordered them to do ? Long Qin .
Aike grunted coldly asked .relationresult,this thing is my fault ,an hour ago, ancestor of Lord brother family life to give Miss Rong Xin a message ,we knocked a few did not answer ,so he ordered the broken door ,go in to look, I find it empty ,I will ask the master of the house brother reprieve an hour before the home brother ,I first check cues ,perhaps can send people to find back .
Lattice fish prostrate on the ground .relationresultI have found it ,but now I tell me .You two could make too big . Long Qin .Aike angrily .relationresultanger ! Gehman and speak with said fish .
relationresultRong Xin missing things many people know ? Long Qin .Aike slightly calm down and asked .relationresultThe people unto the ancestor ,in addition to you and the master of the house is my brother ,and a few close guard .
Lattice fish not stupid ,otherwise it won long Qin .Aike capable subordinates ,it certainly can not get cause uproar ,nature is strictly confidential ,in case of leaking out ,it would be in big trouble .
relationresultFind a clue? Long Qin .Aike slightly nodded and asked .relationresultThere is no clues ,three people as if out of thin air disappeared . Lattice fish forehead cold sweat road .
relationresultDisappear ? Long Qin .Aike to oneself a frown ,into a river .relationresultSugarman .I remember the family once had built a tunnel ? Long Qin .Aike close my eyes and thought for a moment, suddenly opened the way .
relationresultGehmansuddenly ,ancestor of memory can be really tough, so hidden family secrets ever since he found will be completely destroyed ,home about the tunnel records almost let him remove altered or destroyed ,I can remember the ancestors .
relationresultChildren don to check the family history to know ! Gehman is careful way .relationresultThen why don go check ! Long Qin .Aike had a glance at .relationresult,ancestor ! German said .
relationresultGehman has not completelyrelated to the tunnel records deleted ,but some removed, some are tampered with, for example ,write entrance not speak in detail ,and a thousand years ,Aike family the mansion also suffered an overhaul ,some also directly down heavily built ,who can say clear one thousand years the path leading to the outside before digging tunnels where ,and when the town ,now has the potential to the city .
relationresultGehmancame back soon ,also took a pile of books, side side flip books ,report : our ancestors ,family one thousand years ago because of a rebellion ,had spent a large amount of money to build a tunnel ,but the rebellion was soon quelled the rebellion ,was built in subsided after the tunnel the suspension, all entrance with rammed earth fill ,which also built stone ! , relationresultThe tunnel route map ? Long Qin .
Aike appreciably hesitated once asked .relationresultThere is ,ancestors ,you please have a look ! Had turned over their holding books ,looking for a while ,finally found a dusty skins ,dr dre beats.
relationresultThe nativehas been recorded in the route map had to mind ,but he did not go through, and Aike city change is quite big, he says to forbid the tunnel outlet in where, but he gave Long Qin .
Aike this route would have been his revised several ,one is the chrysanthemum Rong Xin .Aike bedroom bed was placed under house arrest under the entrance ,he stalked the translation of ten meters ,of course, for the sake of authenticity .
He will be there quietly buried underground a boulder flat door ,solid earth below is not opened ,Shimen is not aware of the underground strange ,he thought even long Qin .Aike personally to check, see the stone slab ,never to open stone ,ordered his men to dig down ,as long as the entrance in the chrysanthemum platform ,all this can cover up the past !relationresultThis is like from chrysanthemum platform near the entrance ? Long Qin .
Aike a pair of eyes that nature is hiding from him ,and on this base Aike family house is really clear ,eye sight ,you know the specific location .relationresultGehmanleaned over to look, nodded and said : it was ,however, a distance of ten to several meters .
, relationresultLatticefish at this time also said: Miss Rong Xin room clean, without any move place ,where to dig a tunnel to the past ,it is not possible . , relationresultThen how do you explain how it disappeared ? Long Qin .
Aike denounce asks a road .relationresultOur ancestors ,you cannot give me a little more time ,I can quickly find a clue . Lattice fish frighten hurry to bow . Said .relationresultYou still kneeling doing here ,is not rolling down to look for clues to the ! Long Qin .
Aike denounce a sentence .relationresult,ancestor ! Lattice fish such as the smell of amnesty ,quick climb from the ground up ,and turned to go abroad .relationresultCome back . Long Qin .
Aike one break drink ,scared lattice fish quickly ran back again .relationresult,what have you ordered ? Lattice fish whispered ,atmospheric breath once asked .relationresultSecret investigation ,not to let anyone know . Related articles:

