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Liu Jing Xiao's one eye:"Is this a reason?This mansion inside identity includes than my more unbearable person BE!Carefully I sought on going home an individual to marry and ignored you any further!"
This is the threat!But once Liu Jing Xiao listen to, right away jumped the reason of speaking oneself:"Open hostilities this time, I also have no by myself how much confidence, and I necessarily come in person a front line ……since have never known fierce Ji, you I somehow also have a fate and still rather make you go home first to seek refuge!"
Xu Qiao Zhi suddenly forced to ask a sentence:"Do you have several confidence of becoming?"
Liu Jing Xiao by himself/herself think think, finally just say:"My the truth actually says that 30% holds certain!"
Xu Qiao Zhi swept eye Liu Jing Xiao, then said:"That good!I tidy up luggage and lead to walk for two days, however give you an opportunity, I the momentary half will can't also get married!"
Liu Jing Xiao hopes Xu Qiao Zhi to calmly leave, the heart is some deeply drunks, don't know as well to is a disappointment or a joy, at least that shadow already gradual be put on to go in own heart, and own effort also finally has repay.
Keeping on connecting will work well the preparation of greeting Su's snow.
Su's snow prepares a second trip, the whole trip suddenly transfers Shandong before keeping Lu to open hostilities inshore, this is also an anecdotes that keeps a Lu war history.
For meaning the good will to Shandong, keep the soldier makes preparing of Su's soldier putting the front line the second trip is at Wu Qiao and at the right moment toward Texas, Liu Jing knows to know Yang Lin Yi to die Xun and right away beat a to switch on electricity to report snow to Su:"The wedding various item has already prepared to host to complete, however treat to marry a girl snow ……"
The personnel who keeps soldier check telegram thinks to is to seal common telegram, having never thought this is Liu Jing Xiao and Su's snow have already invited good secret password, once having already changed Liu Jing Xiao will take this as Xun to notify Su's snow, let her open the troops into Shandong inshore.
With electricity still fish-eye check of 5,000 dollars, Liu Jing Xiao says that this is to give Su the colourful gold of snow, prepare a second trip to fight to turn over a sky for the sake of this affair, many staffs lambaste:"Liu Jing Xiao is also really too stingy …… we open 23 teacherses, that money can buy …… the stand arrive a top in the head of everybody just much twoer pieces of ……"
Su's snow also not announce meaning, pour is white Ling stand up the Nu drink a way:"What 23 teachers?23 teachers are early getting more nonexistent!At keep soldier in only today prepare a second trip!Said again, if there is no Liu Jing Xiao, which have today's situation!"
Preparing of today this words say really, second trip however two infantry regiments, plus to keep belonging to a brigade more than 1,600 persons just, the whole trip still not equal to Liu Jing Xiao's half main regiment.The direct descendant is again to famously have no way on the public finance, connect Cao bluntness the troopses leading by himself/herself all take place because of owing pay the Hua change and prepare a second trip to say nothing of, all trip owe pay for 16 months.
For meaning the good will to Shandong, keep a square specially prepare a second trip to move toward south, Liu Jing Xiao sees in the face of Su's snow often give relief to the rice face powder of some Gao Liang Da Dun, be that as it may the whole tripses is still very exhausted, can do the best maintenance.
White Ling at prepare second trip prestige most heavy, he says:"Returned a virtuous war in those early years, I and Liu Jing Xiao was several to meet before, Su traveled a long husband indeed someone over of place!Returning is virtuous of hurt, although say to is the result of anti- water of Yang Lin Yi, Liu Jing Xiao can with completely Be resided to troops and our army of bad situation to start to beat to have the leeway towards offending but not, really is a contemporary famous general manner!We at present want what lack what, stay in the direct descendant to have here what rush a head!But Liu Jing Xiao give and pull out and come over cash at least, besides and at present is exactly the time that he is difficult, got to Shandong naturally will not maltreat us!So my opinion is easy!All travel Shandong!"
Since white Ling Fa Hua, prepares a second trip is gathered with of drill, even dependentses didn't notify and suddenly opened into Shandong, O.K. this from 23 teacher ages a vein mutually accept, all the way in addition to a handful of men flees from home follow outside carrying on smoothly region opens go into Texas.
Su travels a to go into Texas, right away the shotgun changed cannon, Liu Jing Xiao right away pulls out to deliver 10,000 dollars cash to provide Su with snow to supply again to owe a pay and in addition still exclusively pulled out 5,000 dollars to be provided to connect to dependents to set up household, and the soldier food can as well be given relief to by place.
As for reason, Liu Jing Xiao has already prepared, "this trip owe pay already 10 again in June, government troops food and clothing have no, can send to eat Shandong for few months and accept D Du soldier love and esteem in Shandong, now temporary reside Texas!A treat to accumulate pure owe a pay, signed back to defend at first ……"
Protect settle aspect but then lambaste Su snow rate department without authorization move to defend to wait together insurrection, Su's snow pours not afraid Liu Jing Xiao sold he or she and kept an of Lu to spread densely now, Liu Jing Xiao still expects that this troops can be used.
The this place treatment compares direct descendant not to know at least that wanting is strong to ascend how much, however have no for satisfied several days, from a 17 teachers come of liaisonning officer and leaking bottom, together place Texas of an infantry regiment, Liu Jing Xiao pulled out 100,000 dollars cash at a time, the soldier is from 2,000 people enlarge 3,000 much, material is also compare prepare second trip Gao a file time.
By this time Su's snow just discovers, the treatment of oneself's troops even the public security troopses of Shandong all far and far not equal to, more darned is since can not get adding of ammunition, local government again forbid them to right on the spot conscript, hence spirit urgently is hurtled ground to seek Liu Jing Xiao calculate Zhang, once two people meet, Liu Jing Xiao just said a sentence:" Snow!You came!"
Su's snow is just cold to hum a , then just say:"You are very comfortable ……"
Liu Jing Xiao smiled to smile:"How ……"
"Did not you know anything?You we was 23 teachers what troops?Somehow is also those early years of new seven trip of background ……"
Liu Jing Xiao says:"BE about to seek your amount of company reorganizes of affair ……two projects, yourselves?"
The white Ling held important precincts to ask a sentence very much:"Two projects,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com?"
Liu Jing Xiao answers a way:"A project weaves one to travel two regiments, the each regiment is 1,200 people, soldier's equiping is added by us …… another project is to weave a teacher three regiments, in addition to two of your regiments, is adjusted by us to go into a public security regiment, two in addition original regiments, each regiment shrinks the plait as two camps, we again adjust into a camp, soldier's equiping is all added by us ……"
The white Ling holds tight important point to ask a way:"The second project, a regiment how many persons?"
Liu Jing Xiao thought bottom:"A regiment 1,500 people!"
His meaning in the words is very understand, if want to keep troops independence, drawing up of troops can't greatly, but if the system that integrates into Liu Jing Xiao, that can acquire higher repay, white Ling Ku Si for a long time just say:"Press the second project ……"
Liu Jing Xiao right away brings up pen to write to reorganize an order and prepared a second trip to resume old number 23 teachers, just fore the noodles added "army in Shandong" and took out to adjust 1 to set up to make to equip all very complete public security regiment and two public security camps snow to Su at the same time.
Su's snow suddenly thoughts of a problem:"Keep belonging to how the troops do?Give an artillery camp again?"
Hence prepare a second trip to shake once the body change and became the infantry division of 5,500 people, keeping belonging to the troops was also very sound, Su's snow and Liu Jing Xiao didn't say a few words hasty rushed through back to Texas reorganize troops, connect jealous of effort all have no.
And also there is finally action in Henan, don't know to let the owner fall to break glasses, the clock show incredibly leads soldier aggression Shanxi.
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Chapter 34 breaks Xian

Before opening hostilities, the clock show delivered first an all the electricity show oneself in no way the plan of diagram Jin:"The nations are much past, the people's livelihood Diao is my, the Jin Yu lips Chi mutually depends on, two Du feeling together blood relationship, ten thousand don't invade the reason of Jin.It is saied that green interest, the idea is picking to pull out, pleases don't believe lightly ……""
Strict East China Sea takes something with a grain of salt, by this time the clock show sends emissary to mean the idea of the amity with Shanxi, again delivered one text of switching on electricity:"Jin Yu prepares for it to say, purely son falsely, cover because of the Tu that didn't know, from mutually surmise, hence to is over suspicious, spread a rumor Fen Teng.Now strict Yue two male and show hold to calm down with the town, meet a matter to open truly, various gossips, have been already exterminated as well.Now gradually settle, it will of course keep quiet and peaceful, follow the sequence and advance gradually, can in no way from the Qi dispute, with heavy bitterness my people, cause trouble to home town, this everyone ability total letter Related articles:

