
cheap dr dre beats praise Mo Yan Chou T

 Because these black dress cape knights disappear at fog receive of world in, again spread in the fortress a lightly sigh, then the front door of fortress again send out the voice of "Ga Zhi, Ga Zhi", then is 1 of "bang", looking the front door already tightly shut last.Fortress inside just shine come of dark green of putting out of light then a per.Finally whole fortress complete of calmness, then fog good elephant more of big, at last and unexpectedly imitate a Buddha have already been lived generally by fog cover, end unexpectedly connect just could see of see of that black of dead rock the high big city wall unexpectedly also see be missing.
The radicle Man count has already thoroughly collapsed, is absolutely too luxurious here.Being beautiful is beautiful of washed a hot bath, then lay on the comfortable big bed, the radicle Man count absolutely had already comfortablely wanted to groan.
Comfortablely don't know how to describe at the radicle Man count of time, spread to lightly knock on door a voice.
"What is up?"Radicle Man the count is very curious about to return a bearer this time stem what?
"Sir, we come to inquire you to still have what demand and need not to need some maids to come over to keep company with you together in the evening?"Unauthorized biography in the door to settle fragile voice, let people feel on listenning to a kind of comfortable great felling.
", There is also service like this?That absolutely too like, come."The radicle Man count didn't thought of to unexpectedly still have service like this.
Radicle Man count not is a what gentleman, affair usually take place while associating to this kind of empire upper level nobility, radicle Man count at 1:00 also not feel rare strange, but elephant Mo Yan Chou like this and unexpectedly and directly became a kind of the behavior that the social intercourse serves, the radicle Man count could not help feeling forget a Huang original dissimilarity, the custom here really opened too much."Hey Hey, however, I like."The radicle Man count could not help peeping out bitchy smiling face.
"Mao Ca" in the door one broke open by force and outside walked to come in two very beautiful female spirits from the door.
"Be not, the darling is unexpectedly a so beautiful female spirit."Radicle Man eyes of the count are all big, didn't thought of to unexpectedly is a so beautiful spirit, the long hair of that a head of blue, and that pure white skin, there is also that long long sharp ear, the all theses all lure radicle Man count this old ghost about 40 years old:"And still 2!Darling Long Di Dong, can own physical strength be subjected to?"
"Sir, what service do you want,cheap dr dre beats?"Walking on the most anterior spirit is bright a pair of huge eyes, curiously looking at radicle Man count this still has a liking for still very young radicle Man count:
"Is really a nobility, however get lord adult to compare with with us, bad of Be getting tooer many.Doing not get lord adult is handsome, haven't got lord adult that strong and healthy muscle, have never got lord the adult is that captivating facial expression."Thoughted of here, can not help climbing on the face of beautiful spirit full red glow at sunset.
The admiring of radicle Man count La son almost flowed down, the sweet and charming appearance of this small girl really was too stirring to commit crime.However this service still divide what pattern?
"The Sir please lie prone on the bed and taste to take a shot we lately study of service."The young and beautiful female spirit stabilized own the emotion for a while, then politely say.
Does this still need to lie prone?Although the radicle Man count doesn't know that exactly they want to do what, for doing not show oneself is poorly read and ignorant, still smilingly lie prone at bed up.
Then radicle Man the count feel his/her own empress carry quilt on his/her own empress' back mercilessly kneaded, but after violent ache, unexpectedly feel to is so comfortable.
When the last stations of the spirit girl's all over the face red tideses are under the bed, the radicle Man count keeps feeling that oneself didn't think of, comfortable, oneself after just has already felt comfortable, being "maltreatment" by them to finish, how be whole body's feeling getting more comfortable more?This felling, absolutely be be absolute being don't change as well!
"Sir, be your service to us still is satisfied with?"While taking to come in in girl's hand the spirit takes of white towel, stand to politely ask radicle Man over there count.
"Boon, very satisfied, really was satisfied with too much old please asks, this calls what?"The radicle Man count isn't an idiocy, early have been already known, inchoate time, oneself misunderstood the somebody else's meaning.
"Sir, this is the massage.BE we lately the research come out of a kind of service, if is satisfied, also invite you hereafter canned usually come our to forget Huang to play at first, thanked your to take care of, hoped that you could take a rest like."Spirit girl after finishing saying, politely withdrew room.
"Massage?BE what things?However is really comfortable, hope that Mo Lao Di can send me 12 spirit women that will massage when the time comes."Thoughted of here, radicle Man count again thought of those two shape of spirit miss captivating crimes just and be dressed in foppery.Hurriedly sleeping.
On this day, the many people is all doing and radicle Man count same plan.
The massage was relativelyMo Yan to worry to relatively incline toward fat clan in those early years, so liked very much to make people thoroughly knead for they while taking a shower, but a poor university student could have how much , result this you unexpectedly and oneself's a schoolmate learned handicraft so all alone, and still don't depend on.
But the life in past is too poor and urgent, so Mo Yan Chou's hand handicraft didn't also do and waited until taking a shower of super luxury after a son Be finished, Mo Yan Chou suddenly thoughted of ownly handicraft so all alone, then choose some young men and women who learn so much teach to they, then use at receive these honored guest's activities this time in.
The day after the radicle Man count came in, every day still what someone formed a continuous stream come, these people be morely embracing and see and pass on a message is isn't true attitude and come, because the tile space Lao and Dallas returns to of time, have already freely done a free advertisement at first for forgetting Huang in a lot of public places in the upper level of empire.Empire what situation next does the news deliver most quickly?Beyond all doubt be in the cocktail party of of this kind of nobility, even if was an emperor his majesty to wear today what pants, also can within a day spread emperors all of nobility, then spread empire the some places within a week, make all nobilities able to know.
Mo Yan Chou this serves as empire to get main news as knight dragon and also soon spreads to go out.After these people came, saw with own eyes that to fly in the sky of small and red, and as for fierce Mao big elephant that walk around down the avenue, then again at great get an accompanying of lord under, go to Long Gu's visit, there just at under construction, prepare to build to be 20 supply the Ultrasaurus lives of place, want to rush through to rush to repair to complete before blizzard severals among them.Then saw let more them a shocked affair, in Long Gu's deep place, unexpectedly still bolt to bind a head of eight rank Ultrasauruses, but what to fly is seven rank Ultrasauruses in the sky, these two Ultrasauruses were two Ultrasauruses of biggest empireses.And see the appearance of those eight rank Ultrasauruses, should be haven't been accepted, however the appearance of that moderate attitude and lazy ocean ocean, all people can see out and tame it, appear eight rank Ultrasaurus the knight be also just time the affair of length.And those two lions Jiu that have already formally undergone military service knight when the return receives them, just gave their impact feeling also isn't so big.1 will own an eight rank Ultrasaurus knight, and have already owned a seven lords of getting of rank Ultrasaurus knightses, absolutely is an imperial pride, even if is king's his majesty to, after knowing this news, affirm to also want to annex to praise Mo Yan Chou.The person who receives now already becomes Kai especially of, because Mo Yan Chou wants to be occupied in oneself's wedding every day and tries own new dress on, and still wants to take the wedding recording image of front with own bride together, five brides really chase Mo Yan Chou soon dead tired, today and this shines on, tomorrow will shine on with that.The bride can by turn take a rest, but Mo Yan Chou not ability, only have his a person because of bridegroom!This is happy pain and sufferings.

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