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Can promise, this will be an itinerary that life long is subjected to a benefit to you."
"Arrive ……arrive where?"Emperor Yan seems to be very to move of shape.
"Go to hell to go to, fill the air sulphur flavor everywhere there, even the rock also melts into the heat hell of molten lava ……" Yi Hao turns the vision to flank eager for action in the instrument body, the company smiles very uncannily."If your interested in of words, that my pouring don't mind to take one more little devil as well in the past, how?"
The thriving invitation that faces Yi Hao, the attention of company's instrument but suddenly move to a signing of flank pillar up, then start in earnest starting to calculate to become the age of wood that signs pillar, ignore to the words of Yi Hao.
"Son gentleman, do you want to go to a hell?"
The day Xi elder confirms to the Yi Hao.
"Yes, 'the enemy's enemy is a friend', have a words be not say like this?The hell is also regarded as for a sky, the old opponent of field, the Peng Lai has the affair that the Peng Lai wants to do, boundary in the sky there temporarily hand over to them to handle."Make reference to here, the Yi Hao touches the chin peeping out complicated facial expression and writing by very low voice twittering."Say again for about three months, the Satan should can not hold up ……"
"What do you say?"
"Not, nothing important."The Yi Hao shakes, the vision falls in the quiet rain body at the side of body.Although superficially see go, this nine tail foxes in the sky are an as if nothing has occurred shape,mention the time of hell from the Yi Hao in fact, she after death that beautiful foxtail start a fluttering of return and reveal a mood that host don't really be calm.
"Quiet rain, I will go to hell to go to 1."When the Yi Hao explains thus, that foxtail fluttered more badly,cnn.
"Need not worry, I will rush through back quickly of, as for while having no in the Peng Lai I ……" Yi Hao waves hand Zhao Xuan Yuan sword, make this handle world putting the jade hand of that Ying one absolute being soldier."Please to looking at Peng Lai for me ……"
The sword of Xuan Yuan projects a dazzling absolute being Huang in the fox hand in sky, quiet rain looking at the ancient bronze work in the hand heavy sword and blink eyes vacant looking at Yi of Hao.But is lightly kissing for a sky, fox forehead of at the same time, the Yi Hao seems to hear to ring out breathed wail in the big palace, and the broken glass falls everywhere voice.
Nine tail foxes in the sky temporary take care of the news of the sword of Xuan Yuan a such as megalith hit into just quiet of Peng Lai, arise of billow for an instant book walked all residents of Peng Lai of steady heart, the earth of Peng Lai a short moment time wild Ai Hong, and meanwhile, be separated the hell of a long distance to also be placed in and"harmony", the "quite" etc. adjective is mutually apart from very far condition.
"Reach a gram!Reach a gram!Reach a gram!"
The dead Lian of disorderly dance tore to pieces atmosphere and also made at the same time circumferential space is of tremor, ground everywhere it is thus clear that an interleave maneuver of cut a scar, the flash across often dies in the unreal of silver line, two basic causes the black Yao stone is refined but become, it are evil to dance indiscriminately to carve cluster of valuable sign pillar drive together the root chop in two, the facing overbeared the whole ghost curving corridor while side dumping, while several stone statue ghost that in the sky flee indiscriminately be unfortunately died the edge of knife of Lian catch and right away become the stone statue of two halfs to fallen off and hit falls off into broken bits on the ground-here is the king of hell, drive ten thousand evil praises the great Satan live of palace, but the tragic incident like this will present to public in the devil's den every day.
As for star among them, certainly is it the really red queen that resound through a hell, the lovely daughter of Satan, the silk of Li Li.
Stay the time in hell from the Yi Hao order Li Li silk since, the seed of tragic incident have already covered up descend.Still forced to calculate in the beginning ascend safe, but along with time of passage, the scorching hot feeling fire in the Li Li silk heart added more wildly strong, when the matchless desire saw the person whom that day and night remembered fondly, but stepped one just each time one-step always present the scene of to let in the brain she again have to stop a step.Two year agos make the Yi Hao once get close to die because of her negligence, even if could still feel as well now the blood of Yi Hao till then spray in the temperature on the hand, but on shutting eyes, that was gentle and soft to get heartrending words the meeting was in the ear response.
Love, sorry and ashamed, sorrow, remember fondly, fanaticism ……the silk of Li Li than all love more to reach Chris at any time-or, reach the Yi Hao that Chris turns a life time-that is a kind of to rush toward the fire more incurable emotion than the moth, whole heartedly, all work properly all over, from hair silk arrive nail point, without reserve and all offer, the fanatical and blind letter of absolute obedience.If want to stubbornly find out the words that a kind of thing comes to parable, that probably only the most devout bitterness fixs just can force a comparison, worship and dominate, reach Chris to would be all meanings of the silk of Li Lis.
Therefore, the silk of Li Li can not run counter to the Yi Hao of reaching Chris,google, even if remember fondly to overflow can not suppress again, she can not also step the one step that goes to human life, can lean against to brandish to die Lian to drain to the lover of remember fondly, however meet with calamity by so doing of but is the whole hell.
Being come to devil's den by the Satan Zhao to keep the evil absolute being that the daughter amuses company is a regardless brave fierce armed forces of evil will, is still a Zhi hat thou person of virtue now, entirely sink boat to fold Ji under the dead Lian of the really red queen.After the 12th evil absolute being was lifted a devil's den, the evil absolute being of the surplus without previous arrangement gives up territory and urgently goes to human life to seek refuge in the name of"support dark black labor union", although evil absolute beings leaned against quick wit to unwillingly once hide a to rob,replaced of devil's den became the object that the really red queen wreaks havoc.
So far, the quarter of devil's den has already become ruins, regardless is a high level devil, is still hellish evil absolute being, even Satan I, all don't dare to literally approach that piece of spirit that is full of crazy spirit and dead, be rated as to living terribling of forbidden ground a region ……

Volume 6 asks book chapter 38 grand love of feeling
Renew time:2008-11-315:25:11 chapter word numbers:6071

How, how?"Satan scared ground of Dan Zhan asks attendant long, and then life the dangerous Qian arrive really red queen of investigate back to the close quarter.
"Do not go, the young lady completely didn't come to a stop of meaning ……if make the young lady keep on continuing, afraiding of the fine spirit palaces that the adult collects souls will encounter breakage."The brave attendant grew to report to make Satan sallow fact.
", Early know to at the beginning say what don't promise that boy's requesting as well ……damned, if this continues my collect as treasure ……"Satan face up show regretfuleply facial expression."Can you not want to order a way,Facebook?"
Do I just want to ask you, you think that that are the whose daughter-certainly, the honest attendant is long to still be unlikely to speak this kind of words and Be sighing in sorrow the depravity of hitting the ground the jail devil king and making the brains rapid to revolve."In fine, can pacify the young lady's person, I think that the world over also only had Gu Ye?Not as immediately as adult send a person to go to and please him to get to hell how?"
"…… Say of is also, can pacify the only the guy of the silk of Li Li …… compare under, I am basically a father ……" Satan mumbling to oneself the ground squat down on the ground, the finger rows a nonsense turn of milli- on the ground son."If do to get, I also want to immediately arrest that guy to the hell to come …… but there but have into absolute being to regard with affection, everywhere the absolute being is also all main absolute being that none of little bits loses to me …… compare under, my this very small hellish devil king is basically ……"
"……Is insignificant."The attendant is finally long unbearable vomited out in the phrase in the throat the card, also feel a burst of and thrilling at the same time."In a word, if the adult doesn't intend to make the Gu Ye come over, that only invites you to shoulder responsibility-in devil king's temple drive thoroughly raze before.Please come down the young lady's emotion conciliation!Conveniently said, shone on this speed to see, you also left several world time."
"I ……I?"The Satan stares big eyes to looking at attendant long.
"The adult was ever since that time appointed by you to grow for the attendant of devil's den, smallly have been saving to appreciate to this heart, always cautious and conscientious within the past 200 yearses treat this precious honor.Even if which day 100,000,000,000 angels strike, smallly also already make good and this devil king's temple live and die together of preparation ……"attendant long with seriously the tone express loyalty to the Satan.
"Since so, that ……"
"However, at the moment Related articles:

