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Make Ba La expect to pull wildly to flow down.
Sting in the sky pulls her to slowly stand up, but is snow silver Qin don't walk two is to unsteadily want to fall down again, sting in the sky can hand her and sigh a , the back rises snow silver Qin dungeon.
He silently voice arrive at empty none person of main temple in, snow silver Qin is pulling out the shoulder for stabbing still continuously tears in sky.
Sting in the sky took her to arrive a kitchen and turned over a plain wheat roll to fill to eat a way for her:"You eat quickly and eat like leave snow area love fate from the back door, will not be discovered by them."
Snow silver Qin bit plain wheat roll but is cry a way again:"Is so cold so hard how eat, I really want to eat hot soup noodles."
Sting in the sky is a way that turns over cold stare:"You request to be true still Gao!Who take care of you!Eat good leave at once!"Sting in the sky stood to want to go out, but is got to doorway and settle, looking at snow silver Qin to hold a cold plain wheat roll one face is again the pitiful appearance that the nasal discharge adds tears, how he more sees little younger sister Shis of cloud more like childhood concealed parties.
Sky's stabbing doesn't want to ask for snow silver Qin very much, this is the too outstanding girl, facial appearance unlike night language the river etc. world to is well-known bad, she is half the princess of the wolf clan, if the special identity is again outstanding girl each men will fantasize bottom.At the beginning snow silver Qin the sky stab and then be given or got an electric shock when hunter's cabin kisses him.It is the relation help that depended her to once in a twinkling have a viewpoint of improbity in his heart, he in the future accomplish anything an industry, but this selfishness made him all really despise himself/herself by himself.While not wanting taking care of snow silver Qin, fearing oneself willing having moving and making use of her and he position, but he also lonesome too long, remember fondly too sad of time lonesome must really think someone can make up.
Sting in the sky despises his/her own selfishness, so he wants to intentionally be fierce to a point to snow silver Qin, but still cans not put she ignores.
Sting in the sky can is to do some kind of mental conflicts to fold back behind again, he curls up a light beginning of sleeves to light fire to put a firewood to burn hot water.
This snow silver Qin visits a sky, sting starts burning noodles very shocked, she stares big eyes looking at a sky to stab each action.
Need a short while the sting cooked to like noodles and poured two bowls of plain noodleses for sky, a bowl of give snow silver Qin, eating of the that night night of a bowl of oneself.
Snow silver Qin is pressed to eat noodles, she didn't take up chopsticks, but is cry aloud to weep aloud.
Sting in the sky signed Ma Wu she mouth way:"You don't Rang, lead to me to the apothecary of beard and also want and follow unlucky."
Snow silver Qin cries to mix next sky stab of hand way:"I arrive where be all said is vexed person Jing, home daddy the elder brothers also all ignore I say I commit tomfoolery.Arrive where people all fear I hide me and like a man Yao unexpectedly is a women are fooling me, also close me in the dungeon to be subjected to molestation, no one concerns me, only you to I had better.Unexpectedly I am a words true of cook noodles to eat for me,Blare!Why unexpectedly is you so good to me.I at the beginning still humiliate yours.Blare!"

The ninth snow area love fate chapter 233 snow beginning stops to see sunrise
Renew time:2008-10-1920:14:19 chapter word numbers:2113

Chapter 233 snow beginning stops to see sunrise
Sting in the sky didn't thought of snow silver Qin still thus lonesome wolf female, she holds noodles bowl the one mouthful tears one mouthful nasal discharge of have finished all of the noodles.Then she again is sob a way:"Other men in clan all because I am that the wolf king's daughter know to fawn on to flatter me, other wolf females all discriminate against me, always all no one take care of me and concern my persons all little,beats by dre, blare, unexpectedly is you so good to me.Blare."
Sting in the sky sees what she cried sad and knows that she is to thought of a sad matter.Snow silver Qin pulled sting in the sky to say many her injustices, wolf clan for the woman is to don't give job, she is in the clan identity position again Gao, the clan middlemen all indulge her everywhere and commit tomfoolery all no one to realize her.All wolf males see his look in the eyeses all very bitchy, other wolf females envy her identity none of position take her to play together, she doesn't participate in any important event in clan everyday, and the female can not be successful in career in the wolf clan.She is everywhere cause trouble also for drawing the family's attention.But was everyone to neglect her, which afraid she is bad to commit tomfoolery, she humiliates others no one to also blame or educate.The felling that this kind of is stood alone isn't very good, she just wants to be valued and wants to look for the colleague who can play together, the beard apothecary is the first to dare scold she says to chock to death her mankind, she falls in love with a beard apothecary but is just know that the apothecary of beard is a woman.No matter how she make reprisals, the somebody else sees all of her look in the eyeses is boring add to dislike, everybody takes her for the small fart Hai of monkey business and hopes that she rolls from a distance.Only stab now sky good to her.Unexpectedly put her to flee for life to return to cook thing for her to eat.This kind of is valued of feel much better snow silver Qin in year after mother departed from this life and then didn't feel a country any further.
Sting in the sky looking at the tears that she discommodes and unexpectedly looking at the felling that she cries and a little bit recalls to that weakest place in heart.Kiss not from forbid of stretched out a hand consolation of clap her head, snow silver Qin beginning of time was shocked next, but see the sky stab a pure look in the eyes, slowly calmness come down, lean against him to feel his consolation.
Snow silver Qin is very beautiful,dr dre cheap.Is an almost first-class facial appearance, again is go together with up don't belong to the mankind's spiritual influence figure, can be treated as another lingering charm for working properly an unique color.This kind of air makes people feel can not Yin Wu, but is a kind of spiritual influence the United States of poetic charm.
Had mercy on this little girl the young and small felling is for the sake of that lonesome heart, have been disobeying own original meaning standing alonely cause trouble everywhere.
Snow silver Qin need energy uprising the day after tomorrow sting took her to arrive center door, but was snow silver Qin the physical strength can not stand up and basically have no enough of the spiritual influence change into snow wolf to escape.
Sky's stabbing is becoming sad snow silver Qin but is cold must nearby depend toward him.
The sky stabs to stand in no fear of chill now, his holding of center of palm warmth ascended the hand of snow silver Qin, the girl still needs to be loved dearly well of, sting in the sky leads long her hand to break a precipice but go to way:"If can believe me, first heel I hide in the cave for a night, tomorrow breeze snow stops of time leave at once here quickly."
The snow silver Qin point nods and looking at the sting in sky in breeze snows to hold the background of his hand, the facial expression unexpectedly and a little bit flushed.
Need a beard the second day apothecary early in the morning get up to see an in great disorder kitchen to feel not to, she after rounding the whole snow area ice temple 1 turn finally rounded the sky the sting does exercises in gymnastics of break a precipice, just entered hole to shout loudly for one.Unexpectedly see snow silver Qin pick on sky stab 2 people of back pour on the cold ice bed all asleep.
Snow silver Qin is afraid cold, she stabs all of the general bodies of mat backs to lie prone on that day he sleeps on the back of safe.
Sky stabs with snow silver Qin drive beard apothecary of 1 shout loudly to wake up with a start,beats by dre australia, sting in the sky sees a beard an apothecary the facial expression with peculiar look stare he sees snow silver Qin again, the Tu must is a top of head to emit smoke, facial expression at get mad of edge.
The sky stabs the benefit explanation horse's way:"Be not you think of so!"
"How be not I think of so!You are unexpectedly....She is still a child!"Beard apothecary scream way.
Snow silver Qin doesn't understand them at say what, but is a spirit Rang way:"I just ain't a child!I 16!"
"You shut up!How to rush out, seeking the dozen is be not!"Beard apothecary's one Rang snow silver Qin frighten hide stab on sky back.
The beard apothecary comes forwards and then grasps the neckband for stabbing in the sky to flutter him with angry look way:"Are you serious?Unexpectedly heel snow silver Qin sleeps a bed up!She is a wolf clan after Yi!You are a person, didn't you want your own original wife?You unexpectedly steep her!"
Sting in the sky wide awake and turn head to blink with snow silver Qin eyes recall last night's process towards seeing for a while, slowly, he originally listens to the injustice of snow silver Qin tell a bitterness, have been being comforting this girl, then is a sleeping, didn't make a mess of again what, he beat a gape to say with smile:"Just she is afraid in the evening cold lean against me to sleep bottom, there is no the sort that you think.I am her kid sister younger sister.Now that she isn't mankind, that doesn't want etiquette men and women who use the mankind to relate to define her.She is in fact pretty lovely."
The sky stabs this on saying, snow silver Qin smiled.She satisfiedly to the beard apothecary's way:"It has been a sky since I recognized, sting did eldest brother!Your humiliating me again am to my eldest brother disrespect!"
The beard apothecary is eyes to stare again greatly again round of way:"Commit tomfoolery, sky's stabbing you is playing what!You really make a mess of!"
The beard apothecary starts seeing in the face for stabbing in the sky this day and thought that snow silver Qin to also teach so no longer grasp her to close dungeon.
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