
beats by dre solo dollar dint to resu

Chapter 250 good heart didn't like a report
That person the absolute being soul be made, six absolute beings are ownerless right away, the regiment-like in shape psyche constantly flaps about, is shot by three soul long grasses, he the absolute being soul suffer severity, the speed of the mentality passage is quick, if he isn't quicker to return to an essence, even if the Ji vast sky no longer makes moves and drags along for a while, he will also mentality exhaustion, scare to death in the Heng star in sky.
The psyche floats to suddenly flap about, that person is considering language of expression.
"The time talked had better be a little bit more careful!I can respond your each and every move of absolute being soul and have lying, I can realize from your motion of absolute being soul, if you tell a lie paste to make me, hum!"The Ji vast sky threat way.
"Bite soul germ really is a kind of living creature of deep underground place, they take person absolute being soul as a food, I really don't fool you.Just you also saw, they one person's absolute being soul overlay, soon that person's absolute being soul to encroach upon f clean!"That person Rang Rang.
"Biting the soul germ can gobble up to understand in the absolute being soul, this my heart, however, can they really come together stars ray?I see, you the small pebbles that get there from they are the source head that comes together stars ray?That bites soul beginning and these, actually and what happened?"The Ji vast sky hums a way.
"These small pebble, is also bite soul germ!"That person realizes time to more drag along, more disadvantageous to him, the language soon and suddenly speeds, hurried way:"Those small pebbles are death behind of bite soul germ, their corpse comes together together, became this kind of can come together the marvellous pebble of stars ray."
"Bite soul germ this kind of living creature gobble up an absolute being soul to quickly breed, however, their life span is also very brief, very quick will die of old age, die of old age hereafter of bite soul germ meeting each other come together, slowly have already become this kind of strong and tough small pebble.
On the hoofly bite the function that the soul germ didn't come together to the stars ray, however, the germ is clay-cold to change into this kind of biting of small rock soul, can come together the stars ray of neighborhood!"
"I make use of you and only want to get these death hereafter of bite soul germ just, hope to ask for help of these to come together more stars rays.This kind of is very miraculous, not only is a Ya star in sky, even if is on a few another starses, also similar can refuse the light of stars.
"Now they are on the your hand, I know all to say, and you put me to leave!Beg you, I the Lu divine power once passed big, again a little bit late time leaves, afraid is returned not to go forever!"That person piteously entreats.
Stare at his absolute being soul cautiously and felt in a short while, the Ji vast sky canned once wear he some lights of the absolute being soul exterior are dizzy, see clear he absolute being soul the fluxion change the essence of Huan, observed a small meeting son, the Ji vast sky could affirm this person don't tell a lie.
Pondered for a while, the Ji vast sky left a way if not that this person's emergence, oneself cans not get these, either, think that these get hold of moreover a few starses the top is similar to come together stars energy, the Ji vast sky very dulcifies.
"H'm, I Rao you are one life, roll!"
That person absolute being soul feel a loose, realize right away that the prison prison targets own of breathing already not at, fear Ji vast sky to renege, that person has no half hesitant for cent, with quickest soon the Ji far go, toward the Ya star in sky outside fly Yi in the past, seeing the appearance was to intend to return to five lines of mainlands, asked for help of an essence ■of Lu blood and dollar dint to resume.
So in a short while of the effort was originally biting the thick dense stars rays of soul germ activity center and gradually buried Bu imperceptibly have already come together an amount toward the this place ambulation, in his surroundings considerable stars energy.
Good thing!Is secretly surprised in the heart shout for a while, just prepare to call ghost to be old seven, the Xiao high in the clouds come over of self-discipline of he, suddenly realize that soul germ in the biting of distance started moving!Cautiously responded for a while, he not from secretly scared, originally those embed in the distance of bite soul beginning, unexpectedly start toward his districts ambulation again, see appearance those biting soul germ to be the heavy degree that passes stars energy position that discovered him.
For these living creatures that take absolute being soul as a food, even if is a Ji vast sky some skin of heads also are really numb, bind those prisons prison with the absolute being soul right away, keep toward far fly.
Very in a short while, the Ji vast sky responds ghost old seven, Xiao high in the clouds their position, once the direction change and fly toward the district of their place.
"Ji young master!Ji young master you are all right?"Xiao high in the clouds the first absolute being soul that discovered to use motion, right away surprise summons.
"Nothing!Walk, we change a place to talk!"The Ji vast sky Xun reads rush, doesn't stop over more after coming over and continued to fly Lue toward the front.
The ghost is old seven, the Xiao high in the clouds still has those privates in the skies who come over together from the valley of Xuan Yuan, not clear so, but know that following Ji vast sky is affirmative right, hence a closes on the heels of afterward.
Don't know as well to actually fly Lue how long, the Ji vast sky finally stops down.
Is nebula-like in shape in of absolute being soul in, wrap Bi to wear an each grain to gleam the small pebble of Nie light, an eye hopes to go, the absolute being soul of Ji vast sky's imitating a Buddha is a small scaled Milky Way to miniature, that each grain gleams soft light light dizzy stone head, like a within star river heavy star, bright very.
Linger around in the stars energy of unreal,beats by dre solo, attraction be subjected to that each grain marvellous small rock, quick wait ghost to is old seven toward this a piece of district fluxion, Xiao high in the clouds these people after coming over, the Ji vast sky absolute being soul this a cake of has already come together many stars energies.
The Chuang bites soul germ the corpse condenses but becomes of small pebble, gather the stars energy Biao of all directions together, those stars ray constantly condense tie up to round, from it draw out a continuously faintly but pure of the stars energy of pole!Tu Lou in heart a pleased, the Ji vast sky realizes oneself is afraid is pick up a treasure.
These small pebbles not only can come together the stars ray of all directions, can convert to most have no time for the purity still from these stars rays of stars energy!These stars energies are in fine threads to continuously fly to those small pebbles, but on falling into a nebula-like in shape absolute being soul of Ji vast sky, is like a trickle rivulet to remit ocean, drive Ji vast sky the nebula-like in shape absolute being soul give quick absorption.
Compare the strength forging decontamination absolute being of collecting the stars ray soul but speech, these the pure energy converting after stone son absolutely has no some minor faultses, don't need Ji vast sky to additionally banish bad Po, directly can use these pure of the energy come to forging to purify an absolute being soul.
One in fine threads and fresh and cool felling, the flowing water sort leads in the absolute being soul midstream, the Ji vast sky intuition absolute being soul in vain relaxed down, and the stars energy of that in fine threads purity , just in the absolute being soul that slowly purifies him, made his absolute being soul and conjunction with marvellous Ya stared in the sky together.
Whole stars rays come over from the all directions gathering, short in a short while effort, this.The intensive degree of the stars ray of son has already might compare ghost to just is old seven they linger and the district of self-discipline.
"This, is this what happened?"Blue nebula with full intention interrogative, the soul reads medium pleased feeling and obvious.
The ghost is old seven, the Xiao high in the clouds and these people of Huang Xun, an is also all very interrogative, they see out, the all directions gathering comes over of the stars energy obviously is drawn on by the absolute being soul of Ji vast sky, just make them elusive is 11 why the absolute being soul of Ji vast sky can with attraction Ya in the sky is astral of stars energy?
"Bite soul germ!Not is say to bite soul germ to just can draw on stars ray?Why, why can the Ji young master be also?"The blue nebula Xun reads a surging.
Public absolute being soul a s are all come together the Ji vast sky miniatures a similar absolute being soul top just like the Milky Way, they can clearly respond to have difficult one in fine threads naked eye to see of marvellous strength, follow those intensive ray a little inflow Ji vast sky nebula-like in shape absolute being soul in, slow-moving in his absolute being soul of visit.
"Everyone can ask for help of these stars energy self-discipline, feel at home!"Even now, the Ji vast sky spreads a soul to read.
Is public a foolish, Leng all then come together a body in a short while the side is at the Ji vast sky and start using those stars energies to carry on self-discipline.
Ask for help from these small pebbles, the absolute being soul of Ji vast sky can get the most pure energy, these are what other people can not compare.But old to ghost seven, Xiao high in the clouds these people come to say, even if is to have no the most pure energy, here the stars energy is also far stronger wonderful than another place.
But is along with the horary passage, still is having more and more stars energies to make use of the stars energy of those gatherings toward the this place gathering, to Xiao high in the clouds and Huang Xun these people, have already let their absolute being souls get a some big advantage.
In such a district, the Ji vast sky finally can have peace of mind self-discipline and use the miraculous small pebble in the absolute being soul and absorb the most pure energy in the stars ray to come to forging absolute being soul, make the absolute being soul able to accept the stars energy of containing this stars.
Time silently has no passage of interest.
In the unconscious, take Ji vast sky as central district, because the function of those small pebbles have already come together more and more intensive stars ray.The intensive degree of this stars energy in the district, far far above side of place.
Because this reason, the one who make to is some to occasionally pass by this place self-discipline, beginning silently go back and forth in the edge district, is like a Ji vast sky at the beginning they at bite soul germ to come together poison the outer circle self-discipline is similar, those occasionally pass by a this place self-discipline, be also silently detained in the outside and secretly come to steal those heavy stars energies in the place at the side of ratio to come to self-discipline.
These people are very very careful, don't dare to go deep into district in the center of Ji vast sky their place.
The Ji vast sky has already realized these of existence, the eye sees they have no devouringly thorough location in the center, just ask for help of outer circle of some stars ray self-discipline, the Ji vast sky is generous, poured don't also dispute, can be shared in reflected glory by they.
However, his good heart didn't bring a good report!Those gathering's some self - disciplines in outer circle, the time in the beginning can be also law-abiding, slowly, the heart livings greedy of they, start a little ground approaching toward district in the center.
Come together the edge district space is these self - disciplines, has come from all the way of, also have alone spreading of self-discipline to fix, the party in government wears at the time that center approached, they seemed each other communicated and secretly reached a certain cooperate of agreement.
They close to after arriving certain distance, the ghost is old seven, Xiao high in the clouds 2 people's leading off be waked up with a start, 2 people once the absolute being soul concuss, right away another nine private in the sky who comes from the valley of Xuan Yuan call together awake.
"Is not in the right!Some inimical persons just come over toward us."The ghost is old seven cold hum.
"Mo Ji, let they, I pour and see these people to want to do what."The Ji vast sky Xun reads cold Sen of You cold, naturally wait for.
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