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It is revealed in pain and regret look some sad said: since the people in the last lesson of small ,small will keep close at home all day ,also for myself to do regret extremely, after all these years I also figured out ,so be firm and secure through the vertical twilight years .
, relationresultZhang Yangfrom his face that he was lying ,and said: this I see in you for so many years repentance .Help to you, I put your martial arts to scrap it ,now I put your powers back to you I hope you will be able to do more good deeds, not in there are evil ,otherwise the next time will not waste the martial arts so simple .
Lin Daxiong heard this publicity to restoring him to the martial arts ,it was like from the days to come, do not know what to say .For a kung fu martial arts like lost lost their lives ,so it can restore the martial arts is naturally hope ,but mortal lost martial arts is not likely to recover ,but to make it not capture an enemy easily things ,publicity waved his hand a gas is injected into the forest spirit bear Dan Tian repair his damaged the pubic region ,later that bear the hypogastric repaired well ,Lin Daxiong becomes red ,black hair was somewhat pan .
Lin Daxiong for his powers of recovery is excited ,the publicity is very grateful, and swear later certainly from good .This forest bear down himself said did the publicity and Liu Tian don the forest ,be bear before after the discovery ,the publicity has disappeared .
Although publicity so leave but Lin Daxiong is really turn over a new leaf in the holy city of prestige and notoriety into good ,these are the words after .relationresultThe originalcolleagues novel Star Contest December 1st debut ,more than 100 novel hot competition ,various types of human subjects of colorful, million award flower falls whose home ?Quickly come ,cnn!relationresultThe originalwebpage game the way the world office * Female beta VIP user exclusive , relationresultThe body of the fifty-seventh chapterChutian .
relationresultUpdate: 2010-2-512:16:47 chapter number :2847 , relationresultZhang YangLiu Tian two early in recovery after that bear martial arts from eyes villa out ,after two people along the town direction .
Go to the holy city of south gate time, two people see the gate mouth with a crowd of people like what happened .I seem to have a sound very familiar .relationresultAnd Liu Tiantwo people walk past separated populations, saw the crowd around the inside of the chunky ,seems to be nosy ,Facebook,only to hear the inquirer says that no case and Shura door fight things ,says it is in high spirit act out ,surrounded by people is heard eat with appetite ,as if the package to hit heard as himself in the saw .
The inquirer is a real person of Xiu ,but this is the sector and the mortal world business can do benefit to him ,give him no matter who you are .This is a fun person inquirer .This day in the south front of the storyteller booth ,speaking of the Shura door and electrodeless deadly fight thing ,just this mortal world .
Very few people know what is in the Shura door, so this package to hit heard this will go all lengths ,how happy ,even adding the trimmings touches a turn over .Well there are people to give him money ,it seems that the inquirer is a miser .
See the publicity patted the nosy nosy shoulder ,back, just to speak as if seeing a ghost ,mouth into Europe word .Publicity pushes him back ,he react to people around ,said : that is all for today ,assessments assessments ! Onlookers who see him as a wonderful place should not say they booed him later faded away ,the inquirer does not care about these .
Said to Zhang Yang : a brother to find a place to talk about . Don but towards the holy town southern direction .relationresultPlaytwo people followed the inquirer after walking a long way ,see the inquirer has not stopped the plan, publicity suddenly heart aware, this road is going more and more remote, do not know this packet about what you want to do ?So they asked : nosy, would you take us where to go ?It is not clear that we can not go with you .
Packet call listen to play was stopped after ,said: brother ,you may rest assured that I will not harm you, I take you to see the individual . Zhang Yang heard to take him to see the heart even more confused and said: what man ,tell me first name ! Chutian feeling nosy head also does not answer to go forward ,he knew that the publicity would come .
relationresultReallystink in hear the name of Liu Tian said: go ,and he went to have a look . Two people with nosy east to west to later to a valley in front ,the inquirer said to Zhang Yang : the valley called the day sentiment Valley ,is the situation where Chutian advanced practice .
, relationresultZhang Yanglooked at the valley, the surrounding environment ,the entire valley there is only one way to go ,the other three sides are surrounded by mountains, seems to be a very safe ,I don how this kind of inside .
As to package to hit heard : band let us in ! Packet call heard : you wait ,I give Chu advanced communications ,he here is a method to protect the valley mouth, I do not know how to go ,so he came out to meet ,not a nosy jade Jane quaked, is feeling came Chutian say out immediately .
As soon the Chutian love out, see the publicity after a shock ,heart ,this man quality cultivation of good fast ,one year before the package to hit heard this person is the maximum transfer medium ,are distracted metaphase ,it seems he not have adventures is there is something of .
But Chutian condition on Zhang Yang smells something and do not care, so the idea ,after feeling ,AFP was to : the distinguished guest visit ,also let Chu a meet late ah ,come quickly inside please .
He waved his hand valley mouth before the law without ,which showed the original scene ,which is also the elegant environment ,an idyllic scene of .The valley is small ,in not far to see a seat made from bamboo house ,the house of two layer .
Usually this Chutian sentiment in the upstairs cultivation .Downstairs is a hospitality where Chutian feeling a casual repair is no friend so ,this is where his hospitality to much .
Others to be less .relationresultZhang Yangsuithis Chutian feeling into the bamboo room .Came to the living room ,sitting on the first Chutian affection ,publicity and Liu Tian said : the two sit down .
The inquirer to make a few cups of tea ,google,tea where you know . It seems that this package about this well .The inquirer of course familiar with this love valley .Because of this year to the inquirer has followed in the Chu day sentiment side to take care of him .
relationresultPackagefor tea end up feeling ,AFP said to Zhang Yang : two taste this Tianshan snow ,have a look how does it taste ? This publicity two people where know what tea ,drink good tea that is not know ,but the publicity and smugness in SIP after said: good tea .
A good job today can drink the Chu predecessors of the Tianshan snow is really my pleasure ! This film is the leave no trace .He turned to look at Liu ,Liu day secretly to his set up under the thumb, and he is a proud look .
Love to hear say Chutian publicity that publicity is not drink tea, but he don .relationresultZhang Yang turned,Chutian love said: don you want nosy Chu predecessors with next came to see you ,what is your advice ? , relationresultLoveto listen to the show Chutian ask him smiled and said: advice is not ,however in have a doubt also want a brother you give me help ,don know whether to brothers in doubts ? , relationresultZhang Yang heard theChutian are questions for him ,thought for a while and said: as long as people have the capability to predecessors doubts ,junior is willing for elder share . Related articles:

