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On the Kui force body that has already had a little tiny Tuo, particularly make people feel a burst of steady heavy Ping-ho.
Realized the breathing of back, old man, that nation town in original China shoots the generation valiant general-Han of whole mainlandses Luo.the Si reach to a gram of general, one escaped from a power games and safely enjoyed in own little world the old man face of sedate years in Ping-ho up floated to smile.
"Gold Cape, how? did you also smell wine joss-stick? this is specially the Ni son to the good wine that I deliver, do you also think to an one mouthful?"
Say, with the wine pot of pickeding up of hand table, stand up, once turn round, just going to thoroughly?Appreciate this to keep company with own good friend.
But, when Han Luo saw after death of figure, but he not from of hold once the hand of wine tremble, the wine pot in the hand downwards on falling, echo but break, the incredible excited facial expression appears at the once faced hordes of troops and horses of old will of face up.
Tiny tremulous double of lipses just like dream a sort, want to call that name, but the but again Be hard to believe oneself in the moment see, doubt whether is oneself the day has to think a night to have to read, so the person concerned about by oneself will use such of is the way abrupt emergence of the unreal image in own in front?
Just, when Luo of Han dares not believes his/her own eyes, standing the second 芠 in front of him has been short half, the kneeling of double knee and ground is in the Han Luo's in front and take matchless Mu Ru feelings way in the tone:"Grandpa, the bad grandson came back and made you worried!"
The Wei Wei Zhan Zhan of, Han Luo stretched out hands and pressed in the second 芠 that strong hard stand, good can start to carry on the shoulder the shoulder of ten thousand catties of heavy burdens up, the touch on the hand tells him, in the moment kneel in love on the ground isn't an unreal image, but true, his grandson finally came back.
Sob, Han Luo really doesn't know and say what, till the last, he say of come out:"Like, good, good, come back good!"
Connect three good words, told Han Luo the excited mood that be calm not in the heart, and the second 芠 is raised head and hope Han Luo have been desolate eye in be also full of endless feelings at this time, keeping to straightly hope Han Luo is that old face, but also like the Han Luo's sort, mean to say what but again can not say it.
Once in a very long while, Han Luo puts a cachinnation to get up at the same time with second 芠 and smile Zu finally reunion, smile close relatives to finally meet.
Hand Kia 芠 , Han Luo smiles medium take tears:"Kid, how so long didn't see a grandpa? did you know a grandpa to worry you more?"
The Nie Ru wears, the second 芠 doesn't know how to answer just good, these two in the last yearses exist by being greedy for the pattern of wolf star of he, on the other hand be loath to part the peaceful years of that dream world sort , on the other hand, also fear that the Hai wore his/her own family, and again want to guard to invite Se, therefore the second 芠 hasn't been coming back.
Just at this time drive Han Luo so of on lifting, the second 芠 really feels oneself really is too should not, completely didn't show concern about the affair that the family worry about he, be really is very should not, could not seek one to lend as well at this time.
The appearance that looking at second 芠 , Han Luo on the contrary a smile:"Calculated, second 芠 you don't also mind, anyway you have been already come back as well now, the grandpa also knows that you temporarily don't come back to definitely have your real intentions, grandpa 祇 is to freely ask just, you also need not put in the mind, come, our Ye Sun Liang didn't get together for a long time and accompanied the grandpa to drink one two cups!"
Say, hope an all empty palm, take a look again to scatter a ground again everywhere ground wine bottle and wine Zi, Han Luo regrettable of a say with smile:"Is really regrettable ah! this is the imperial concubine friendship that Ni son specially seek for me of good wine,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday, I just drink to have no two people drive you to frighten of broke and made unusable."
"However O.K., I still have already remained some!"
Say, Han Luo turned round to walk into an another an in the second 芠 not at of period lately- covered small log cabin in,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online, have already felt several respectively in hand while coming out again the wine of altars.
Put the wine altar in the hand to the table up, receive second 芠 together after sitting down, the Han Luo's side opens an altar to pour the wine side smile way:"The friendship of the imperial concubine this kid really has heart, know here, my a person's nothing important companion, and then know that I love drinking, so separate a day each time, she meeting she a person take large numbers of wines still have supplies, the independent luck delivers here and conveniently accompanies my this old headman to live for a while and has a chat, I once said with her some times, call she need not she is to don't listen to and harm I see each time her such a coy female kid try very hard to of give° a lot of things to bring over here, really call me cant not bear to heart!"
"I say second 芠 ah! you exactly want to keep somebody else waiting how long, when be just willing to marry a somebody else ah?"
Just picked up the wine cup on the table to lightly taste for a while, result but drive Han Luo come all of a sudden of words to make not from of the Qiang coughs for a while, on the handsome and talented face not from of capture to have a to put on of red tide, also not know is cough out of or feel ashamed.
Smile of drink next the wine in the wine cup, Han Luo looking at expression to has a little shameful second 芠 , on the face not from floated to mysteriously smile an idea.
The second 芠 lends Luo and oneself to pour wine for the Han and secretly move an imperial concubine in the part heart graceful so wear to think for him, at he not at of period, care grandpa, on the other hand face up but also a burst of irritable of, although match with imperial concubine's Ya Qing Tou's idea, but he hasn't thoughted of that as well one step.
Therefore, inquire to Luo of Han, second 芠 can borrow for man Luo pour wine to temporary elusion for a while, doing not dare to face Han Luo is that look in the eyes that takes to smile.
Saw the embarrassed Tai of second 芠 , Han Luo that meeting lo not second 芠 at this time the viewpoint in the heart, just he really likes an imperial concubine friendship this girl, person since long of beautiful, rare of is again to second 芠 one of sincerely, the period disappear in the second 芠 , she always has never faltered to the intention of second 芠 , these Han Luos all see in the eye, so the very not easy second 芠 finally came back, Han Luo unbearable of remind for a while, second 芠's the female kid's youth is limited, can permit not get he procrastinate again and again.
The appearance that looking at second 芠 , knowing own words has already produced a function in the heart of second 芠 , Han Luo also no longer forces the grandson who makes him love, smile to smile, turn the topic to another place go, ask the career of having the second 芠 , this day, not at this topic last Dou turn.
See Han Luo no longer cross-examine, second 芠 this just trusted and spoke of he or she, these two in the last yearses to Luo of Han is how to spend.
But positive such as Han Luo heart in think of, just of the problem have already borned a root in the heart of second 芠 and made second 芠 the just real beginning starts to consider for own future and also has at this time, the problem of the friendship of the future that waits for joining him' imperial concubine.
A words said down, the career of two in the last yearses called Han Luo also suddenly the tongue experience at the second 芠 of weird and miraculous, imperceptibly of all drink up for an altar wine.
While opening a second altar, second 芠's the facial expression of silently awake Han Luo, for own grandpa, he has no what conceal so much of, own affair, make the decision for settling, aftertime's plan, connect oneself and"it" of contact, to"it" of commitment, the second 芠s all said to Luo of Han.
Even in connect "it" of personal status, that from too ancient times generation always silently guard mankind to don't need Be encountered to exterminate entire of disaster, is be located in all Huan monsters top,Beats By Dre green Monday, one of the monster king's half bodies of too thou Huan the king of the monster-"start too much"-of personal status, the second 芠s all nowise reserve to Luo of Han of speak.
Make reference to bottom, although he promised to start too much to together guard mankind, but he is after all a 20-year-old youth, regardless his intelligence how again of maturity, regardless he what kind of let the silver month devil that people are afraid, in the only grandpa's in front, he is still a kid who hopes to acquire family's support, hope that own grandpa can let own together of conduct and actions!
Therefore, when suddenly Han Luo of the fact spoken by tongue at the second 芠 sank in to contemplate of, second 芠 not from of heart in jittery, feel an in the mind seven ascend eight times of, afraid that Han Luo doesn't approve his conduct and actions.
Suddenly, Han Luo picked up the wine jar of table, even cup also need not, so with altar for, wildly drinking of the murmur murmur, turn an eye, a the whole wine of altar unexpectedly got into so Han Luo of Related articles:

